Her first time ballbusting

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I didn’t know how to tell my girlfriend, Stephanie, about my ball busting kink. It was something I had thought about for weeks and weeks. I didn’t want to scare her off. It certainly wasn’t a kink that was for everybody. But we had just hit our first-year anniversary mark, and I finally felt like we were in a secure enough place for me to share my secret.

But figuring out how to share it was another story. I didn’t want to beat around the bush, but I didn’t want to just jump right into it, either. I had been having so many daydreams about what it would be like to experience this with her, and I wanted to go about it the right way. 

Cheating, incest & kinky things. Do I need to say more? Anything you can imagine just a click away!

So that evening, when we were headed into the bedroom and she began to wrestle me onto the bed, I saw my opening. I scooped her up and tossed her down onto the mattress like we typically did, making her break out into a fit of giggles. Then she came at me like she was charging me, and in the process, I turned my body at just the right time so that her hands came down hard against my balls. It was a sharp, jolting pain that rattled me. 

“Oh, shit, babe, I’m sorry!” she cried, stopping immediately and clasping her hands over her mouth. “Did that hurt?” She looked sincerely sorry, as most girlfriends would when they realized they had caused pain to their boyfriend’s crotch. 

I let out a sharp exhale. “Yeah, yeah.” It had hurt, but along with the pain and agony was a wave of bliss and arousal. “Uh, but I think I kind of liked it, though.” I looked at her tentatively.

We flopped onto the bed together and Stephanie propped herself up on her elbow. “Wait, what? Really?”

I could feel my cheeks burning hot, but I was glad to get it off my chest. “Yeah. I actually have a little bit of a . . . ball busting thing. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

She looked intrigued, her eyebrows shooting up to the ceiling. “So. . . I can squeeze them really hard? You think I could torture them a little bit?”

I swallowed. Even just the thought was enough to make me hard. Stephanie looked down at my boxer briefs and saw my cock starting to grow. I watched her lips form a smirk.

“Yes,” I replied. “Squeeze them, twist them. . .” I trailed off as Stephanie sat up and pulled my underwear off of me. 

“Let’s try it out, shall we?”

I loved the mischievous look on her face and how eager she seemed to jump right in. Both of her hands immediately went for my balls, squeezing them hard, and it made my back arch off the bed reflexively.

Stephanie laughed. “Holy shit, babe! You weren’t joking!”

My cock was harder than ever, and Stephanie took it in one hand while the other stayed on my right nut and began to twist. Waves of sharp, shooting pain radiated through me, but along with it was a feeling of straight heaven.

“Fuck, I love how hard you get from this,” Stephanie said, her big brown eyes looking into my face. I’m sure she could see the pain written all over it. I reached up to wipe my forehead, covered in sweat. “It’s kind of hot.”

“Ahhh, FUCK!” 

Before I could answer, Stephanie had moved to my other side, twisting my left ball now in her hand, as though wringing out a towel. The pain was almost blinding, but I was glad she didn’t let up. If anything, my reaction egged her on more and more. 

Then she stopped, and for a minute, I thought that was it. Stephanie settled in between my legs and began sucking my cock, and I closed my eyes as my breathing began to steady. Her mouth was so warm and wet, and it was a nice contrast to the excruciating pain still radiating white hot through my poor balls.

“You’re amazing,” I mumbled, relaxing into the mattress. “Holy SHIT!” 

I jerked up as Stephanie took my both of my poor balls in her hands and began to twist them, making my eyes water and my heart race. God, it felt amazing and so painful at the same time, combined with her mouth that was still working its way up and down on my cock.

She raised her head up and giggled. “Yeah, you like when I torture your balls like that?”

“Mmhmm,” I whimpered, barely able to make a sound, as her hands clenched down tighter.

“Say it. Say you like when I hurt your balls.”

“Ahhh,” I panted. “I – I like when you hurt my BALLS, ah FUCK!”

She was sitting up now and had taken to slapping them, softly at first but then getting rougher and rougher. Her face was lit up with delight.

“Jerk yourself off for me,” she said, looking me in the eyes. I had never seen her so dominant before, and all it did was make me even hornier through my crippling pain.

I did as she asked and took my cock in my hand, trying my best to stroke it up and down as her palms struck down on my balls. They were red hot, flaming with pain, but that didn’t stop a shiver of pleasure from working its way throughout my body. 

A few moments in, Stephanie sat up and tore her lacy bralette off over her head, which only made me jerk my cock harder. It was a nice break from the overwhelming pain and allowed me a nice view. Her large, round tits swayed and bounced as she then reached down to shimmy out of her panties so that she was now completely naked like me.

“So, are your balls throbbing yet?” she asked, biting her lip as she straddled me again. 

I winced. “Yes. You really did a number on them.”

Stephanie took her hands back down to them and gently began to massage them, when out of nowhere, she was squeezing them like stress relievers once more, both at the same time.

“Please!” I moaned. “Fuck!” I felt like I was about to explode. 

I could barely focus on what was happening in front of me as Stephanie turned around to straddle me reverse cowgirl. She lowered her pussy down onto my cock and began to grind against me. Normally, this was my favorite position for fucking, as it allowed me a view of her thick ass, but right now the pain was blinding. At the same time, as terrible as it was, I was also about to burst. I could feel my cum just waiting to explode.

“I really want to see and hear you cum for me while I punish your balls,” Stephanie said, half laughing. 

She began to lay a series of hard smacks and flicks against my poor nuts then, as I writhed and groaned underneath her. The pain and pleasure alternated in contrast as Stephanie quickly took to bouncing up and down on my cock, until finally –

“Ahhhh, holy shit!” I cried out, my sore balls drawing in as my cock began to twitch inside her. “Fuuuuuck!”

I had never had an orgasm quite like that before. It was another level of intensity as my cum flooded Stephanie’s warm pussy, my balls aching and tender. Stephanie gently squeezed them as I came, and it prolonged every second of my orgasm. 

“Wow, you really do like having your balls tortured, don’t you?” she said teasingly, finally getting up off my cock. Her expression was a little devilish, and I knew we had awakened a new kink for us both.

I moaned, hardly able to speak from how weak and sore I felt. Luckily, I didn’t need to reply, because my mouth was quickly taken over by Stephanie sitting on my face. A lot of my cum had dripped out onto the bed, but I could still taste myself as she rode my tongue. I didn’t mind. I looked up and watched her mouth open and close, her own arousal growing. I loved the view of her tits from under here.

When she came, she was louder than she had been in a long time. She shook and trembled on top of my face as she grinded her way into her orgasm. It was so sexy to witness, and when she finally was finished, she collapsed onto the bed next to me, panting.

“Oh my god,” she said, looking over at me. “I wish we had been doing this sooner. That was so hot.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “It was hot for you? Pft, I’ve been waiting to do this with you since, like, day one of dating.”

I pulled her in against me, spreading my legs apart a little bit, so that my poor, tortured balls could get a little bit of air. God knows they needed it for everything that was about to come.

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