Big D She

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Today, I was going to meet my new roommate and I was excited. I wanted to see how she looked, especially how attractive she would look. I liked girls, pretty and sexy-looking ones. I was hoping that she would fall under one of the categories and that would make me feel a bond between us. Of course, I was open to friendship if she didn't swing that way. 

A few hours later, I was rushing back to the dorm where I would meet my roommate. As soon as I got to the door of my room, I stood in front of it with a beating heart. I took out my keycard and swiped it on the door handle. The door clicked and I pushed the door open. The first thing I saw was the now-occupied bed already dressed with black and white sheets and covers. 

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As I walked into the room, the most beautiful, tall, blonde-haired woman walked out of the bathroom on the other side of the room. My eyes immediately drank in her body. She was wearing a black tank top that made the cleavage of her breasts visible. The sweatpants she was wearing were a bit big on her legs but gave her some attraction. When she saw me, she smiled and waved at me.

"Hello, I'm Ashe. You?" She asked and walked up to me. She towered over me just a bit, making my body tingle from just how tall she was. Her eyes were sharp and making my pussy throb.

"I… I am Riley," I replied and she eyed my body up and down. 

"That's a beautiful name," her voice was sultry. Something told me she was flirting with me.


Ashe bit her lip and took a step back while running her fingers through her hair. She gave me tomboy vibes which made my attraction for her double up.

"You seem like you're going to be a great roommate," she said and walked past me, her bare arms brushing mine.

I turned around and my eyes went to her ass as she bent over her bed to adjust the sheets. My pussy clenched at the thought of what her ass would look like. I started to hope that she was into girls because the thought of fucking her filled my head.


After studying in the library, I strolled back to my room, while wondering what Ashe was up to. Was she asleep or still awake? I needed to know if she was asleep because I was so horny. I wanted to finger my pussy so bad at the thought of her.

Once I got to the room, I opened the door and walked in. It was dark and Ashe was still awake with her phone in her hand while she faced the wall, watching a video. I ignored her and dropped my books then took off my big sweatshirt and climbed onto my bed. I got under my blanket and glanced at Ashe. 

My pussy was still throbbing and wet. I was so horny that I was wondering if I should just say fuck it and slipped my finger into my hole. I sighed in defeat and faced my wall, hoping that sleep would take over me.

It was an hour later and I had not been able to sleep but a suspicious sound filled my ears— heavy breathing and low moans. I knew that sound and I needed to know what Ashe was up to. I waited for a few seconds and the moans got a bit louder, followed by grunts. I discreetly turned my head and saw her legs bent and parted under the blanket with quick movements around that area. 

My pussy clenched and I felt it become more wet as I realized what she was doing. I kept my eyes on the movements under the blanket and when I couldn't help but spread my legs a bit and slip my fingers between my legs. I unbuttoned my jeans shorts and pressed the pads of my fingers against my clit then started to rub. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. 

My heart pounded fast as I slipped my middle finger into my tight pussy, then began thrusting into it. Ashe grunted and the movements under her blanket became faster. My mouth hung open as I pushed my finger deeper into my pussy, curling it as I stroked. My toes curled and my legs stiffened. I was fighting against shaking from pleasure.

Before I knew it, Ashe tossed the blanket off her body and my eyes widened at the sight of a big, thick, and curved cock standing erect. My finger inside my pussy stayed still as I watched her wrap her hand around the cock, stroking it. At the base of the cock were big balls that she rubbed with her other hand. I should have been weirded out but it only made me even more horny that I started to thrust my finger faster. The sound of my wetness started to fill the room but I did not care, I was too turned on.

"Oh." I froze when I realized I had moaned and glanced at Ashe's face.

She had also frozen and was now staring at me with wide eyes. Her hand was still around her cock. We stared at each other for some seconds before she got up, making me gulp. My eyes went to her cock that bobbed from her movement. Slowly, she came over to my side and stood beside my bed.

"Uh…" I had nothing to say.

Quickly, Ashe moved my blanket off my legs, revealing my hand in my shorts. I blushed and pulled my hand out, my finger wet from my pussy.

"Sit up," Ashe said and I hesitantly did. She wrapped her hand around her cock and rubbed the tip. 

My pussy clenched and throbbed at the sight of the big cock pointed at my face.

"Have you ever seen a shemale before? A shemale with a cock like mine?" She asked, thrusting the air.

I couldn't help but cup my breast and pinched my nipple through my shirt. 


"Do you want to know what it'll feel like to fuck a shemale?" She asked and I nodded frantically.

Ashe smiled and came closer. Her cock hit my cheek and my pussy clenched again. I could help but wrap my hand around her cock and stroke. It was so big, bigger than any cock I have ever seen. It made my pussy leak with more of my juices as I was hungry to have her cock buried in my pussy.

"Suck my cock," she said and I opened my mouth.

Ashe fixed her cock into my mouth, filling it to the back. My mouth felt so full and tight around the warm and throbbing cock. I sucked slowly and she moaned. I bobbed my head as I sucked her cock. I cupped her big balls and played with them, making her buck into my mouth. 

I almost gagged on her cock when she thrust into my mouth. She held the back of my head and started to hump. I rolled my eyes and played with her balls more as I enjoyed the heavy cock in my mouth.

"Suck that cock good. You're such a dirty girl for fingering yourself while I stroke my cock. You love watching others play with themselves, huh?" Ashe taunted and gripped my hair. "Suck it good!"

I moaned and did as I was told, loving the taste of her cock. Suddenly, she pulled out of my mouth and stepped back. I blinked and stared at her.

"I'm going to nut soon and I want to but in your pretty pussy. Spread your legs for me."

I lay back down and took off my shorts then spread my legs wide. My pussy was so hot and wet as I exposed it to the temperature of the room. Ashe climbed the bed and knelt between my legs. Her eyes were on my pussy while she stroked her cock.

"I know this pussy is tight. My cock is going to love being inside it." She looked at me. "Do you want to feel my big shemale cock inside you?"

I moaned. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"I've never seen a woman with a cock like this before so I want it in me. Fuck me with your cock. Fuck me hard and make my pussy feel hot from it."

Ashe growled and came closer to my hips. The tip of her cock rubbed my entrance and a few seconds after, she slammed her cock in me. I moaned loud and gripped the bed sheet. I was so full. Her cock made me feel like there was no space in my pussy and it made me clench and unclench. My pussy dripped from the fullness in me and when she pulled out and slammed in me again, I moaned with a gasp.

"Want this cock, huh? Take it!" Ashe said and started pounding me. Her cock scratched the insides of my pussy, it made my pussy hot and leak. "You want a big cock inside you, right? This pussy is so tight and loves my cock."

I writhed under her as her cock went in and out, in and out. So fast while sending pleasure through my body. My bed creaked and moved at the speed she was fucking me. She parted my legs more and pounded her thick cock in me. The wetness of my pussy became noisy and the moans coming out from our mouths added to the pleasure I was feeling.

"Faster! I want your cock faster!" I begged and she slammed my clit when she pulled out and pressed it when she slammed in.

This went on and on until my body began to shake. She pulled out and pinned my body, her back facing me and her big, wet cock on my face. 

"Suck my wet cock and I'll eat this juicy pussy."

I opened my mouth and sucked the saltiness of my wet off her cock and when her warm mouth sucked my pussy, I shook under her. While she licked my pussy, I sucked her cock. I took in her cock faster and she ate my pussy, gnawing on my clit.

Two minutes later, her come shot out of her cock's tip, filling my mouth. When her teeth gently bit my clit, my legs froze and I came, moaning with her cock in my mouth. I drank her come as she licked mine clean. She started to pound softly in my mouth before stopping and pulling out. Her soft cock rested on my face while she rested her head against my inner thigh.

"Hmm. That was so good. I'm going to enjoy being your roommate," Ashe said and I laughed.

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