Fucked a shemale into la-la land

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Gosh, Mr. Wilmington is so fucking cute!

I just can’t my mind off that guy.

“STOP! Hey mate, now that I got your attention I’d like to share with you this new site I found with literally anything you can think of, ranging from orgies, grannies, teens, incest and you know.. the kinky stuff. I made this review just to help a brother out. Peace.”

– Jake A.

He is well over 40 years old. Probably even 50, which means that he’s more than twenty years older than me.

But that’s not the part that makes me just wanna yank at my hair and rip off each strand.

As sexy as he is, he’s my mom’s new boyfriend, and it sucks. I mean, I’m happy that she’s finally letting herself find love again after my dad dumped us to go lick his sugar mommy’s ass.

But I hate to think that Mom and Mr. Wilmington get close enough to fuck, but they’re probably in her room right now, fucking so hard the bed breaks.

And no, this isn’t me exaggerating. They literally fuck so hard. I mean, I’ve heard them a few times, moaning and gasping, while their bodies just keep slamming into each other. They’re so shameless.

But I don’t blame mom at all.

I would be just as shameless if I had such a sexy man by my side. The thought of him is enough to build up my arousal. Heat pools around my lower abdomen and warms me up from the inside. But instead of a tingling, wet pussy, a cock hardens instead.

I am one of the one percent of females who got a cock dangling between their legs. And, after eighteen years of living with it, I am finally accepting it as a part of me.

My cock jerks and throbs as thoughts of Mr. Wilmington cross my mind. I sit upright on my bed and move the hem of my flimsy white nightdress out of the way so I can touch myself. I am not wearing any panties, so once my dress is out of the way, my hard cock bounces into view.

I wrap my fingers around it and start to stroke it nice and slow. My fingers glide easily, caressing every inch of my cock and then reaching for my flabby balls. It only takes a few strokes to work my cock to a full erection. I keep stroking, switching from my right hand to the left, and occasionally using both at once.

“Goddamn it!” I mutter. “I wish this was Mr. Wilmington’s hand on my cock, jerking me off like this. Fuck! I want him so fucking bad.”

I lift my head toward the doorway, and then I freeze.

Mr. Wilmington is right there, watching me. His eyes are wide with shock, and his mouth is slightly agape.

“Shit!” I quickly cover myself and scramble to my feet. “Mr. Wilmington. You’re here. I didn’t know…”

He just stands there, too stunned to move.

“How long have you been standing here?” I ask.

“I should have knocked…” He looks away. “I’m sorry. I’ll leave now.”

He turns to leave.

I quickly walk over to him and grab his right hand, making him halt in his tracks.

“You didn’t like what you saw, did you?” I ask.

He turned to look at me. And then he shakes his head. “Of course not.”

But I’m not buying this. “No, that’s it. You didn’t like what you saw. You didn’t like my cock…and now you’re rushing to leave because you can’t stand the sight of me.”

“Shut up!” He firmly presses his right index finger against my lips, shutting me up at once.

I’ve never seen anyone switch personalities so quickly. But one moment, he’s too shy to look at me, and the next moment, he’s kissing me fiercely, forcing me to take a series of shaky steps backward, until my back slams into the wall. 

He reaches underneath my dress and grabs my cock, and then he exhales raspily, his breath all over my face.

“Your cock is so fucking huge…” He shoves his boxer shorts to his ankles and reveals his thick, hard cock. 

I gasp. “Oh my gosh. Your cock is even huger…” 

“Yeah, but you give me a tough fight. I mean…look at you…” He places our cocks side by side and compares them for a brief moment.

The feel of his shaft against mine lights up my whole body. I start to move back and forth, rubbing my cock against his. 

He giggles, and then he starts to do the same. “You’re so naughty. I like it.”

He winks at me.

My stomach does a flip dance. 

We keep rocking our bodies, our cocks grinding into each other. And then he kisses me yet again. He rips off my dress so we are both naked, and then he picks me off the floor just so he can hurl me into the bed. I land on my back, and my breasts bounce from the impact. 

He positions himself between my legs and looks up into my eyes. “Have you ever been sucked?”

I shake my head. 

“Well, that’s about to change. Daddy’s here now.” He winks at me again, and then he tips his head down toward my cock.

My eyes stray to the door. “The door is open.”

He plays deaf. 

His lips enclose my cock. I hiss through clenched teeth as pleasure suddenly lashes at me from the tip of my cock.

“My mom…” My voice quivers.

He cuts me off. “I fucked her into la-la land, so nope, she’s not waking up anytime soon.”

He takes my cock into his mouth again, and then he sucks hard on it.

“Oh my God!” I gasp. “This feels so good!”

His lips glide down toward the base of my cock, smearing every inch of my shaft with spit. And then his eyes light up as though he’s seeing my breasts for the first time. He reaches for them and squeezes them in both hands, pinching and twisting my nipples to intensity my pleasure.

My cock throbs against his throat. The abrupt action tells me I am about to cum.

My heart paces, and my breath reduces to a breathy whisper. Mr. Wilmington keeps sucking my cock, his head bending this way and that way as he gives in to the pleasure. I wrap my legs around his neck and pull him closer, locking him against my cock just so he doesn’t pull away.

My cock throbs once more, and then it lashes against the warm confines of his mouth as I spurt out a hot steam of cum. He sucks every inch of cum out of me, his tongue flicking around the tip of my cock to ensure there’s nothing left. 

My legs slowly falls away from his neck as I lay there trying to catch my breath after an intense wave of orgasm. His eyes light up with a mischievous gleam as he picks himself up and crawls toward the head of the bed.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down, pinning his body against mine as I initiate another kiss—much deeper than that first. I can taste myself on his lips. Heck, even his breath is starting to smell like me.

This is so hot!

He kisses me back with just as much intensity as I kiss him, his tongue snaking its way into my mouth. While we kiss, his hands drop to my thighs and gently nudge them apart.

Mr. Wilmington breaks the kiss, and then he kneels down in front of me. He pushed my legs up toward my head to expose my ass, and then he inches his way forward, gliding his cock into my ass. My ass is so tight it puts up a resistance. But when Mr. Wilmington starts to fuck me, working his way inside of me with shallow strokes, I can feel the resistance breaking away as my ass slowly gives in to the nice, explosive feel of Mr. Wilmington fucking me.

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  1. Danny
    March 13, 2024 om 8:06 am

    Oooh god yes.. i wanna be her .. pretty sexy slutty with a cock.. I need a daddy


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