One final suck-off

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Curie lay quietly watching as Jen slept in. It was then that he fully noticed again the silky smoothness of the night clothes Curie had insisted he should wear. He enjoyed the softness of them on his skin and the way they felt pressed against Curie's nude body.

Curie also noticed the pleasant softness and acknowledged to himself the arousal it caused. Reaching her hand under the covers, she gently rubbed Jen between his legs. The contrast of silken panties and his compact cock was something she knew she could get used to. Her mind went to other panties she had touched like this, but there had been no fullness pushing back in those, just the warmth of another girl.

“STOP! Hey mate, now that I got your attention I’d like to share with you this new site I found with literally anything you can think of, ranging from orgies, grannies, teens, incest and you know.. the kinky stuff. I made this review just to help a brother out. Peace.”

– Jake A.

“Wanna suck me?” he suddenly asked just as she opened her eyes. He wasn’t like a man neither were his genitals so she wasn’t sure.

Not wanting to debate the fine points, and not being totally opposed to sucking him, Curie flipped her hair back with a quick flick of her hand and lowered herself down to take care of business. Taking the semi-erect flesh in her hand she quickly gathered more interest in the task ahead, so with one quick lick to the exposed pink head she took him into her mouth all the way to his sparse pubic hair.

Jen pushed a pillow under his head so he could watch as she expertly pleasured him. It didn't take long at all before his dick was as hard as it was going to get, and yet Curie still continued. She had decided to blow him until just the last second in order to get the most accurate measurement. Not wanting him to cum beforehand though, she paused long enough to say, "You're not to cum, understand?"

Jen heard but didn't answer quickly enough. "Jen, answer me! I want to measure you before you cum, you got it?"

"Yeah, I hear, okay I got it, better keep going...I'll tell you before..." He was so urgent in his need he unconsciously pushed her head back down to his abandoned erection.

After a couple of minutes Curie was beginning to notice the tell tale signs. Jen's cock was fuller and his quick humping into her face told her it was near. When Jen still didn't say a word about stopping, she made the decision for him and pulled her mouth away from the sensitive flesh, leaving it there; wet, hard and straining for release!

"Okay, where's that ruler," she asked herself while searching through the tossed bedding. "Ah, here we go."

Jen, returning to a semi-normal state of mind, watched as Curie performed her measurements. He idly thought she looked like some kind of naked scientist conducting an experiment.

"Yep, just about what I expected. You are exactly four and a half inches, that's pretty close to five inches. And that, my dear friend, is definitely in the average range. So, you can do anything you want to with this," grabbing his cock to be sure he knew what she was talking about. "No more whining about being too small, okay?"

"Okay, but what I want to do with it now is for you to please finish what you started!"

With a small phoney pout she replied, "Aren't you going to say thank you for proving it to you?"

"Thank you for proving I'm normal, now please..."

"You have to say pretty please now, because you were rude," she twisted the words in like a knife one last time enjoying the power she had over him.

"Pretty please then, if I have to beg I will." Jen faintly felt the strange arousal in begging, but was too distracted to care at the moment.

And true to her word she returned to the task, that in truth, both were fully enjoying. Curie had forgotten to mention to him another plus of a smaller cock, it fit so comfortably in her mouth...almost like an adult size pacifier or something.

Sadly, it didn't last near long enough for either of them, and his orgasm was almost as powerful as some of the big ones Curie had swallowed. It was also deliciously pleasant to be able to throat the whole shaft down so easily. No reason to be too picky about size, she resolved for future reference. And poor Jen, he had been stretched and torn in a dozen different directions these past few days, so a mind gone blank from sheer physical release was like the best elixir money could buy.

But still horny herself, Curie found the dildo abandoned in the sheets. "Be a sweetheart and get this wet for me," she purred as the lifelike dong touched his lips. Too spent to resist, Jen with eyes still closed, parted his lips and took the head into his mouth. His tongue started to explore the new intruder as he floated in his dazed afterglow, his mind feasting on images of the cocks they had been looking at earlier.

"Here, you hold it, my arm is getting tired," she said, replacing her hand with his without ever removing the imitation man from his nursing mouth.

Now he was holding the cock he was sucking, and although not real, it seemed real enough. His thoughts drifted and envisioned this to be the warm strength of his friend Rick. So with wonderful visions of Rick in his mind, Jen kept getting the dildo wet for Curie..."

Jen was too absorbed in his own fantasy to notice that he was being watched. But Curie was certainly watching and it was not hard to imagine him doing this to a real man in the bed with them. She had a leisurely look at his now shrunken cock lying exhausted on its side, nestled in a bed of fine sparse hair where a few last drops of cum had flowed. Why did the words cute and sweet come to her mind, she wondered. Unconsciously her hand slipped between her legs. She hadn't really needed Jen to get the dido slick, slipping two fingers into her pussy. She just wanted to see if he would do it.

Her mood was fueled by her own ignited arousal and the remembrance of dominating him last night. She savoured how easily he surrendered to it. While Jen enjoyed the imaginary cock in his mouth, Curie was enjoying the fantasy of mounting him and fucking his virgin ass. Removing her hand before it was too late, she asked Jen if he wanted to see something really cool.

Giving the dick one final suck, he relinquished the toy to its rightful owner. "I think it's plenty slick for you now," he said with a grin.

"Now, what are you going to show me that is so cool? Maybe a close up view of you using it," he suggested.

"No, but I have something I bet you've never seen," she said in a pretentious arrogance.

"Mmm, maybe. But you'll never know until you show me, will you?"

"Okay Mr. Big-Shot, close your eyes and we'll just see," smiling in anticipation of the look on his face when he sees what she has for him.

Jen was game and closed his eyes.

"Nope, turn and face the window. No peeking!"

As he obeyed and rolled over, Jen heard the bedside drawer open again, noting that he now knew where Curie stashed her toys. It seemed like a valuable scrap of information for some unknown reason.

Finally, after a couple of minutes of strange sounds, Jen was told to open his eyes.

He opened them expecting to see the window, but standing a foot from his face was Curie and she had grown a cock between her legs! He would have been embarrassed had he seen the look on his face. Wide eyed and staring with an unreadable expression. Perhaps astonishment, fear and lust combined would come close to what his face was saying to Curie.

Noticeably swallowing he said, "That is really amazing. I have never seen anything like that," realising too late that he just lost the bet. But that was just a fleeting thought and quickly ignored. "All I can say is that you look amazing with a cock. Where did you get it?"

"It's called a Feeldoe. Here, look how it fits up inside me," she offered while spreading her legs for a better inspection.

"Go ahead. You can touch it if you want."

Jen didn't need to be told twice and gently explored the erect shaft and where it perfectly blended into her own body.

Reaching behind his head Curie cooed, "Suck me baby, you know you want it."

He sucked her cock for a good minute before she turned him around and entered his virgin ass without any warning. Jen leaves a string of broken moans feeling his insides being stretched. Curie pounded into his ass loving the loud moans of the man. It wasn’t long until he screamed like a bitch and cummed non stop. Her own pussy dripping wet at the sight. Jen collapsed on the bed all tired but both knew they weren’t done yet.

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