Quickie sex stories: Always time to fuck

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The lights leaking through the curtains hit my eyes, making me wake up. I blinked a couple of times adjusting my eyes to the clarity. 

I felt my boyfriend Matt's arms around me as I grunted, still waking up. I turned to see him; he looked so good barely covered in the sheets. I looked at the ceiling for a moment, still processing my own existence when suddenly, something hit me. 

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I picked up my phone and looked at the hour. It was so late! I shook Matt, hoping he would wake up, but he didn't, he barely moved. I grunted as I stood up from the bed. I walked around it, still sleepy, and leaned over the bed gripping his leg, and shaking it, so he would wake up.

Matt just grunted. All our clothes were scattered around the room, we came home after having dinner together and we sort of got desperate in the process, but last night was especially good, it lasted for so long. 

Therefore, why we are running late for work. I picked up my garter bell and hooked it around my waist. Then I searched the floor for my stockings. When I found one, I turned it over and leaned again to shake Matt's leg, he had to wake up soon, or he would be late too. 

I sat on the chair we had at the edge of the bed and pulled my stocking up, then I hooked it in my garter and once I found the other, I pulled it up and repeated the same process. 

I walked around the bed to his side, and shook him again. "Honey, wake up, we're late! Come on!" I said repeatedly until he finally woke up, grunting and rubbing his eyes. 

I took my bra from next to him, put it on and turned around for him to help me. Matt hooked it for me, and then he got off the bed, finally. I walked towards the mirror, adjusting my stockings, and then I sat down on the bed, took my phone and checked it again. We were so late I knew we would get a warning from HR.

I looked at Matt, at his amazing torso, he was pulling up his pants and buttoning them, then he took his shirt and put it on. I loved staring at him, he looked so good, his navy blue pants were tight around the right places, enhancing his gorgeous butt, and his shirt, tightened around his broad shoulders. 

I instantly felt like taking it all off of him right there, and without thinking about it, I slowly spread my legs and began toying with myself while I stared at him getting dressed. 

He was buttoning his shirt when he suddenly caught me through the mirror, he turned around and saw me with a little smile, "What are you doing? Aren't we late?"

"Very late," I said, desire crossing my eyes while I continued to circle my clit slowly. 

He smirked, "I don't get it," he commented, and then I tilted my head, smiling at him. 

"We're so late we might get punished but... don't you want a little quickie to make up for that?"

He turned around and faced me, "So... should I continue to get dressed or..."

I shrugged while I showed him how wet my pussy was getting just from staring at him. He couldn't hold himself back. 

Matt walked up to me, got on his knees and leaned down to kiss me. I felt his lips pressed against mine, softly claiming my lips as his, then he slowly opened his mouth and delved his tongue inside my mouth, I welcomed it massaging it. Our tongues battled it out for a moment as his hand caressed from my leg up my breast, cupping it and squeezing it gently. 

I was so into his kiss that I completely forgot about work. Matt placed his hand on my back, holding me against his body and I started getting even warmer. 

He caressed my back as our tongues continued their fight, he kissed me so passionately, so deeply that I was already dripping wet. The way he held me against his body, how his hands crawled down my shoulders to slide my bra straps down said so much. 

Suddenly he pulled down the cups of my bra and began kissing and licking my nipples. His tongue swiped on my nipples, tickling me, making me even wetter, his other hand held me against his body. Suddenly he became hungry, opening his mouth wide to take as much tit as he could while cupped the other one, pinching my nipple. 

Seeing him like that caused a reaction in me, I felt heat waves traveling all over my body, from my tits down to my core. He sucked my breasts and began switching from my lips to my tits until his hand fell down my leg and reached my naked pussy. 

He looked up at me, as he pulled out his tongue and began licking my little clit. My entire body trembled at his touch; his wet tongue flicked over my clit sending energy waves all over my skin. I even felt my foot curling up with each swipe of his skilled tongue. 

Matt was so good at this; he knew how to drive me crazy with his mouth. He raised my leg and placed it up on the bed, exposing my pussy even more. His tongue circled around my clit, and then he closed his mouth around it and sucked it into his mouth, making me moan loud. 

I couldn't help my excitement, I was moaning and purring with every little thing he did to me. Then he stood up and pulled down his pants. I watched his cock bounce in the air, completely hard and throbbing for me. I instantly opened my mouth and took his head in, sucking it in and tasting the precum already leaking from his head. 

I kissed it and licked his entire shaft before opening my mouth to take it all in. Then I started moving my head in and out, taking as much of his cock as I could. Matt tasted amazing, I loved it, I placed my hand on his base, playing with his balls as I sucked him deep and gagged on him. 

Then I moved my hands to work his cock with my mouth. I just loved sucking Matt's cock and feeling it throbbing against my tongue. 

I looked up at him as I laid back on the bed, spreading my legs for him. Matt got in bed and knelled right between my legs. He pressed his cock against my entrance and in a single thrust, he entered me deep and slow. I moaned when I felt his size stretching my pussy, it was a delight to feel him sliding inside me. 

Matt started moving, carving pleasure out of me as he fucked me deep, then he began picking up the pace, going faster and deep. I moaned feeling it pushing against my womb's entrance. It was delicious to see his cock enter me and leave completely coated in my cream. 

Then he pushed his cock entirely inside me, rocking at the bottom and I had to bite my lips to control myself, I felt about to cum right there. 

Matt leaned forward, pressing his lips against my mouth and moving inside me. I moaned into his mouth; every inch of his cock was a loud moan that escaped my mouth. Then he began moving very fast, clashing against my pussy, bringing me to an edge I've only felt a few times before. 

His mouth was still connected to mine when he suddenly placed his hand on my clit and began rubbing it gently. I was beyond control, I started feeling the heat building intensely around me, and then, after a couple more thrusts, my entire body started quivering and quaking beneath him, my eyes rolled back a little as a loud moan escaped my mouth. 

My entire pussy twitched as I released my orgasm. Matt felt it around his cock and then, he grunted his own climax out, spurting his entire load inside me. I felt his warm cum filling me up, making my orgasm so much more intense. 

Hearing him grunting and seeing his pleasure face was beyond words. Then he slid his cock a couple more times, squeezing himself to the last drop, and then he pulled out of me. "Oh fuck, now we're very late," he said, looking at the hour on his wristwatch. 

I smirked at him, feeling pleased and satisfied, "But tell me these few minutes weren't worth it."

He smirked at me, "entirely worth it, I would be late every day if I knew this was the reason."

I watched him get off the bed and put his tie around his neck. I stood up and went to the bathroom to clean myself, then I looked at the phone again, and it was so damn late, we were definitely getting a warning from HR. 

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  1. Roger Ramjet
    March 10, 2024 om 3:28 am

    Nice descriptive story,,, I feel like I was Matt and that made all the difference.. Thank you.


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