Teens first rock hard cock

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It was a warm summer's night Betty was walking along the sea front with her best friend she has known for years, Betty has just turned 18 and she has long light ginger hair in a ponytail that comes down to the top of her nicely rounded arse.

Her best friend that she was walking with has also turned 18 a few months before her, he is tall, short blond hair and has big muscles. When Betty asks him what his best feature is, he replies that it is his long rock-hard big dick.

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They go down to the beach and walk along the sand with the sun setting over the horizon lighting up the beach, they start to hold hands whilst walking and then before Betty knows it, he kisses her on the lips taking her by surprise and she starts to kiss back. He then starts to rub his hands on her back making it down towards her arse and giving it a little squeeze it and rubbing it, which is making her start to moan, she then notices a big tent shape in his swim shorts and she slowly moves her hand and rests on top of it and starts to rub his cock making him moan and starting to move his hips.

He then moves his hands round to the front to squeeze nice tits which makes her jump as she has not been touched by a man before and she is really liking it he then moves his hands down to her legs she parts her legs slightly and he knows what to do he moves his hands up under her skirt to her virgin wet pussy that he can feel through her thin black bikini bottoms and she jumps and starts to moan loader which is muffled by their kisses.

Betty then says that she is ready and that she wants him in her, so they go under the pier where they cannot be seen by other people, they then take all their cloth's off and Betty lays down on the sand completely naked and he strips off all his clothes, he then looks at her nicely fresh shaved pussy which is unseen by male eyes.

He then spreads her legs wide open exposing her tiny clit and small opening of her pussy, he then starts to lick her from the bottom up to the top and starts to lick and suck her clit causing Betty to moan load and buck her hips up and down he then asks her if she is ready and she says yes and he rubs his big hard cock up and down her slit occasionally popping the tip in her hole causing her to jump, and when she least expect it he pushes his cock in hard but slowly and feels a pop and his cock slides all the way in and her scream is muffled with their kissing. He stays still letting her get used to his cock and he then starts moving in back and forth and her pains start to subside and change into pleasure.

He is then going faster and faster causing her to moan in pleasure she then wants to go on top so keeping his cock in her he lays back with her on top and she is bouncing hard and fast and rocking her hips back and forth causing her to orgasm and when she subsides, she is still riding like a horse, and when he is about to cum, she stays on and tells him to cum in her. As he starts to pump cum after cum into her and causes her to orgasm.

She is still shaking. They dip in the sea to wash it off and then put their clothes back on and get in the car and head home to drop her off. As he heads home, he cannot get Betty out of his head, as he gets home, he gives her a call and they start to talk, and he asks if they want to video chat and she agrees.

They start talking and he asks her if she wants more fun and she replies enthusiastically and they both start to masturbate together. He pays close attention to her thin fingers running in between her pussy lips and she starts to moan and closes her eyes and as she comes, he cums all over his stomach. Betty asks if they can meet up the next day and he agrees when he pulls up on her drive and picks her up.

They then start to drive off and as they are going down the road and he reaches over and starts to rub her Wetterling pussy and he slips a hand down her panties and starts to rub her sensitive clit and it doesn't take her long to cum, they then find a nice secluded area and move to the back seats of the car and he lays back and Betty is more than ready for him and rips his shorts and pants off and removes her skirt and panties.

She then lines her eager pussy up and sits down on his dick so hard and fast that it goes all the way in, and she feels like it is ripping her wide open and starts bouncing so fast that the car is rocking as she cums her pussy contracts so much that it sends her new lover over the edge and starts to pump jet after jet of cum into her unprotected womb and doesn't stop until it flows out the sides.

They then use tissues to clean her gapping pussy and they put their clothes back on and drive to a nice restaurant and then he takes her home. But when they saw her parents weren’t home they decided to go for the second round.

We stumble into my room, eager to feel that pleasure again. We had already taken off our clothes as we headed towards the room. Just as we reached the bed he pushed me onto it and got on top of me.

He lifted my hips up and pumped them in time with his thrusts, making his dick tunnel its way deeper into my cunt until I could feel it bumping against my cervix wall. Now that my hands were free, I licked my fingers before rubbing my large, hard nipples. His balls were slapping against my ass and he used his right hand to slap each breast sharply. The sting sent a wonderful shiver through my body and I let out a squeal with each one.

"Fucking whore...huh...huhhh...arg...bitch...ass...whore. Ah fuck! I'm gonna cum in this pussy! Ohhh fuck!"

He lifted my hips up higher to the point where my shoulders and head were the only parts of my body still touching the ground and he pumped his dick faster into my pussy.

"Arrrggg fuuuccckkk!"

I felt his hot semen shoot at the entrance of my cervix as he continued to plunge in and out unevenly.

"OOoohhhhh!" This triggered my own orgasm and I felt my pulsating pussy trying to suck his dick deeper and keep him lodged inside me.

He continued to cum and I felt some of it slip out around his dick and run down my ass crack, then drip down to the floor.

"Ahh shit! Yeah...fuck!" He held his dick still in me to let out the last bits of cum spurts and my own pussy twitched in appreciation.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled his softening dick out of me and I felt a river of thick cum flow out almost immediately. My hips dropped back down to the floor and I kept my legs open. He stood up straight and looked down at me.

"He bent down next to me and started rubbing my pussy lips. He shoved some of his cum back into my cunt and rubbed my clit with his thumb.

"Aaahhh..." I moaned as he began pumping his fingers faster into my soaked pussy. Looking towards him, I let my eyes roam down to his still exposed penis. It now hung limp yet it was still beautifully thick with veins wrapped around it.

I can't believe that was inside me just now.

Giving my pussy a final slap, he made me jump before standing up and pulling his pants back up. He buckled up his belt and leaned down to give me a long kiss before bidding goodbye. He shut the door behind him and I watched him disappear. We just made plans to meet up at his house next time and repeat all this.

Laying my head back down, I smiled up at the ceiling. Finally I had my first fuck! And it was exactly how I imagined it would be. The wind cooled down my coated vagina and I wanted to giggle in happiness. I've always wanted to be seen as a hot piece of meat.

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