My roommates drive me crazy

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It’s not fair that my roommates are so hot. Kenzie and Vincent are already good-looking as individuals, but when you see them standing side-by-side, it becomes clear just how painfully hot they really are. They’re the sorts of people you only see in movies, and compared to them, I always felt pretty plain. 

Kenzie could be a bathing suit model, with her tan skin and long limbs. She’s got honey-blonde hair that comes down to her waist.

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Vincent has dark hair that’s shaved close to his head and a short dark beard. He’s got muscles for days.

It was no wonder that there was sexual tension between them. On Sundays, we always had roommate dinners, where the three of us would gather around to cook and have drinks. The dinners started out normal and fine, but eventually, I’d catch them winking at each other over the table or playing footsie underneath. 

“Alexis, you’re the only one out of all of us who actually makes good food, I swear,” laughed Kenzie, taking a bite of the savory chicken pasta I had made one night. 

Vincent nodded in agreement. “It’s amazing. Thanks, Alexis.”

“No problem, guys,” I said, washing my bite down with a glass of wine.

It was a normal Sunday until a couple of hours after dinner. I was in the living room when I realized I hadn’t seen either of my roommates for a while. It was weird, because usually at this point, Vincent would come downstairs to use the exercise bike. I stood up from the couch and realized I could hear something coming from upstairs. 

When I headed up to the second floor, it became clear to me that the sound was sex, and the sex was happening between Kenzie and Vincent. Vincent’s bedroom door hadn’t been shut all the way, so when I walked past, I could both visibly see and hear them. 

Kenzie was on top, riding Vincent in a steady, bouncing rhythm while her small, perfect breasts swayed up and down. Vincent had a firm grip on her slim waist, and Kenzie’s hair was flowing down her back like it always did. She looked beautiful, and Vincent’s deep, low growls turned me on. My pussy throbbed. It didn’t feel right to watch, but for some reason, I couldn’t turn away. I was frozen on the spot. 

“Wait for a second,” I heard Kenzie say, and I gasped and turned away from the door, pressing myself up against the wall. I swore I had seen her look at me.

“What’s up?” said Vincent. “Come on, baby.”

“I think Alexis was out there. Alexis?” she called.

I tiptoed back down the stairs before they could pull open the door to find me standing there, collecting my breath.

I couldn’t stop thinking about them all night. I found it hard to fall asleep because my mind was racing with the vision of Alexis grinding on top of our roommate.

After that, I noticed that neither Vincent nor Kenzie seemed to close their bedroom doors very often. It was starting to become a pattern. I’d walk by their rooms and see one of them naked while they were changing. I’d see Kenzie trying on outfits, surveying herself in the mirror in just her bra and underwear. Sometimes I’d catch Vincent jerking off in bed, his fist sliding up and down his cock. 

One day, they were having sex in Kenzie’s room. I must not have been very sneaky, because they caught me. Vincent was fucking her from behind, and he lifted up his head and looked right at me.

“Alexis!” he snapped, although he didn’t necessarily sound mad. “Do you want to join in on this or what?”

I pushed open the door to the room and walked inside, stunned. Kenzie was holding herself up on all fours, and she turned her head to smile at me.

“So what do you say? Are you trying to make this a threesome or what?”

“Because we’re totally into it,” said Vincent.

I blushed. I couldn’t believe I had been caught watching them like some sort of pervert hovering outside of the room.

“Actually,” I started, “I think I just like. . . I think I’d prefer to just watch.”

“Ooh, an audience!” chirped Kenzie. “Good thing I have an exhibitionist kink then!”
“Really?” I said.

“Yes, really!” 

A pang of arousal hit me just then. Maybe it could be this easy to indulge myself, if both my roommates were into it. 

I took a seat on the chair beside Kenzie’s bed and watched them fucking. Kenzie’s breasts swayed underneath her as Vincent railed his cock into her. He was more muscular than I realized, his arms and shoulders pulling and tensing up as he held onto her and thrusted. They both had amazing bodies, and Kenzie’s adorable whimpers every time Vincent plunged into her were hot.

When Vincent came, he pulled out and sprayed Kenzie’s taut ass with cum. It splashed onto her skin and dripped down her ass crack. The cum glistened on the tip of Vincent’s cock. 

That was just the beginning of our voyeuristic journey.

We implemented an open-door policy. Vincent and Kenzie loved showing off for me. One day, watched Vincent masturbate in the shower, with the curtain pulled back enough so I could see.

“You like what you see?” said Vincent, smiling at me as he slid his hand up and down his wet shaft.

“I do,” I said, smiling back. My whole body was quaking, and my pussy was throbbing. I never touched myself until much later when I was back in my own room. It was my favorite part: bringing out my vibrator when I was alone in bed and pressing the buzzing toy up against my clit as I replayed the day’s events. I had never cum so much in my life!

“Alexis!” called Vincent one night. I was in the kitchen. “Come up here! Kenzie’s getting ready to jump on this cock!”

I grinned to myself and put down the dish I was washing. I wiped my hands on the towel and headed upstairs to Vincent’s room.

He was sprawled out on the bed naked, with his hand slowly rubbing his cock. Kenzie was standing beside him, sliding her yoga pants down her legs. She turned to face me as I walked in.

“You’re just in time,” she said, winking at me.

I sunk into the chair in the corner and watched happily as Vincent leaned forward and began to suck on Kenzie’s breasts, pulling each nipple into his lips. Kenzie ran her hands through her hair and tossed back her head. She was clearly enjoying herself. Her body swayed on the spot as Vincent sucked on her tits, squeezing her free breast at the same time. 

“Holy shit,” moaned Kenzie. “You make me want you so bad.”

My panties were already starting to get damp, and they weren’t even fucking yet!

Finally, Kenzie joined Vincent up on the bed and straddled him. His cock was already rock hard, so Kenzie slowly lowered herself down onto him. I leaned forward so I could get a better angle and watch as every thick inch of Vincent’s cock disappeared into Kenzie’s pussy.

“Fuuuuuck,” they groaned at the same time. 

“You’re so fucking tight,” said Vincent. “Bounce up and down for me, baby.”

Kenzie seemed happy to do so. She planted her feet on either side of our roommate and started to piston up off of his cock and all the way back down. It looked like his cock was stretching her out nicely, because Vincent certainly didn’t have a small one by any stretch of the imagination. 

Kenzie eventually slowed to a grind, falling forward so her face was over top of Vincent’s. He brought his head up to pull her nipples back into his mouth. I could hear the wet sounds of his mouth on her tits, along with the sound of Kenzie’s soaked pussy. All of this was only adding to my own stickiness forming between my legs.

Kenzie grinded against Vincent slowly and steady, and I watched with wide eyes as she came. Her whole body seemed to fold in on itself as her climax took over, making her shudder and tense up on top of Vincent. He didn’t stop sucking on her tits the whole time.

Finally, it was Vincent’s turn to get off. He pulled Kenzie’s slim body down on top of him so he could fuck her from underneath.

“Oh, fuck!” cried Kenzie.

The whole bed shook as Vincent pounded into her from below, his cock plunging into her pussy in short, quick strokes. It didn’t take long for him to fill her up with a load of cum. I could see his cock twitching from where I sat.

“Holy shit,” groaned Vincent, as Kenzie slid off of him and onto the bed beside him. “Alexis, what did you think?”
I stood up. “It was hot as ever.”

I didn’t say anything else. I had to get to my room and pull out my vibrator, because I felt like I was going to explode if I didn’t.

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