Feminine change to sissy (Pt. 2)

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Before he gets the chance to seal the deal, Megan breaks away the hug, seemingly more concerned about how he was acting. The look in her eyes is genuine, which makes it hurt even more knowing that she was savoring every second behind her fake expression.

“Why are you doing this? You know better than to act like some bimbo slut!”

For some reason, those words elicit a shiver of pleasure across his body, as if a button had been pressed in his mind. As he’s locked there in shock, her friend steps forward and wraps his hand around Charlie’s back, standing by his side.

“Hey now, don’t be so hard on her. I’m sure there’s some reason she’s acting like this, shouldn’t we talk to her first?”

The concern seemed genuine at first, and it would have stayed that way to him too if the man’s hand hadn’t slid down the back of Charlie’s skirt and his fingers weren’t currently prodding at his tight butt. Charlie couldn’t help but fall into the airheaded demeanor he had kept up all day, and idly grinded his hips back against his hand, Megan looking on with a sly smile, answering anyway.

“I suppose so… why are you doing something so disgusting?”

It was now or never, any other answer would just prompt more questions, and god forbid she might actually try to help him with what was going to happen. Once again swallowing his pride, he glides his hand down the stranger’s chest and toward his crotch, whimpering through his lips.

“I just want some cock between my lips so badly! I can’t help being this needy!”

Her eyes suddenly widened with absolute shock at his actions, not knowing whether to focus on the fact his hand was now clasping around the outline of the man’s cock, or to focus on his face as he revealed his supposed intentions.

“I came here so some stud would ravage my mouth with his big thick shaft~ Can I borrow yours?”

Her face was frozen in complete surprise, breath caught in her throat as she’s clearly struggling to process what’s going on. Megan clearly wasn’t expecting such a change so quickly, her enjoyment about to become obvious to everyone, but thankfully, her friend pipes up to join in.

“Maybe she’s just having a rough time, hm? And wouldn’t it be a better idea if it was in the safety of us rather than some stranger?”

She turns her gaze to him in what seems to be anger, until her face softens when the thought of her toy being throatfucked by a stranger pops into her head.

“Fine. If she wants to be a slut, it may as well be with someone trustworthy… let’s go somewhere private…”

Both of them look on in surprise, but don’t question it. After finding a secluded area, a bathroom that was hidden away in some closed-down area of the mall, the three of them enter it and awkwardly stand there for a moment. The room is silent as the three of them glance across one another, until the stranger finally breaks the awkwardness by unzipping his pants, flopping his half-hard cock free.

Local moms need anonymous sex.

Megan opens her mouth in shock, about to protest until she sees the look on Charlie’s face, and simply watches on with her arms folded as he walks up to him. He leaned the stranger’s back against the sink before bending at the waist, giving Megan an eye-ful of his ass before his lips slowly slid across her friend’s tip.

“Just finish with her quickly, I want this to be over with as soon as possible.”

Megan speaks rather nonchalantly, given her feigned reluctance earlier, but Charlie can’t complain. Instead, he focuses on the currently twitching cock pressing against his lips, and sensing the man’s eagerness, Charlie plunges past his tip and finally takes in his entire shaft. He reckons he could slowly urge his cum out, sliding his lips across his dick with little effort, but it seems the man has other ideas…

With a rough movement, he grabs the back of Charlie’s head before thrusting his hips forward, forcing him to gag on his cock as every inch is bottomed out in his throat. For a moment he just holds it there, lodged in his throat as Charlie desperately retches around it.

“You wanted to get your throat fucked, so enjoy it you little whore!”

Those are words he’d expect from the man currently fucking his lips, but instead they’re feminine and coming from behind him. Megan was talking dirty to him as her friend fucked his throat raw. He thankfully doesn’t suffocate him and starts pulling back until just the tip is pressed against his lips again. Charlie breathes desperately in these few seconds, before he hears Megan’s voice from behind him once again.

“Fuck that little sissy’s throat like a pussy~”

He let out a pathetic whimper before the man forced his dick down Charlie’s throat once again, his tears welling up enough to run down his face as he began pounding his mouth without a care for Charlie’s own enjoyment. Soon the room is filled with the wet sounds of his throat being forcefully stretched around the man’s dick, so much so that he can’t hear the sound of Megan’s heels clack against the tiled floor as she walks closer, but her friend can, and he’s well aware of what’s about to happen.

As his brains are turned to mush, Charlie’s tongue beginning to be stained by the taste of the stranger’s precum, he feels a sudden sharp pain spread across his ass. Megan had begun spanking him as he sucked her friend’s cock, and giving him no break, she didn't stop, continuing her flurry of punishments.

“You dirty little sissy slut!”

Each slap elicits a pained squeal from his mouth, which only served to vibrate his throat around her friend’s cock, acting as if he’s a sex toy for his pleasure. Every second had Charlie straining in his cage even tighter, feeling as if his little cock would burst from the pressure.

“Suck his cock properly, you dumb little bitch!”

His eyes had long since rolled up into his head, his moans around his cock had become frantic and filled with pleasure. Charlie couldn’t believe it, but it was true, he was getting off on being spanked by Megan, her friend’s cock plunging down his gullet as he moaned around it!

Just as if Charlie thought her punishment couldn’t get worse, he feels her hand move between his legs, grasping at his cage as she squeezes. After an entire day of suffering in it, this slight stimulation feels as though it’s enough to cum there and then.

“I’d bet you’d love to squirt your cum from your little sissy dick, hm?”

Her whispers were almost the final thing he needed, moaning lewdly around the man’s shaft as she squeezed tighter, on the edge of pure bliss, but suddenly left alone to suffer. She pulled back her hand, giggling maniacally at his trembling body, likely wanting to beg for release, but still busy being used as a fleshlight.

It seemed the man was appreciating Charlie’s wet mouth squealing as he fucked it, because he could feel him begin to tense up. His cock spasmed in Charlie’s mouth as he suddenly exploded, his cum surging across his tongue before he bottoms himself out again, pumping his cum directly into his stomach. At the same time, Megan delivers an incredibly hard flurry of spankings, apparently noticing her friend was currently pumping his cum inside of him, wanting to make him squeal like a bitch.

It was too much, the entire day had him on edge, and after finally being put in this situation… he was overwhelmed. His body caved and her spanks urged him on, he came shamefully as he stood between the two of them, squirting his load down his legs and onto the floor between them as she continued her assault on his ass, not letting up.

“You desperate little cunt!! Did you really just cum from your little pinprick?! Maybe you were meant for this after all, you’re just a perverted little sissy!”

She was right. She emphasized her words with a spank, each insult dug that much deeper, dragging out his orgasm even more as she relentlessly punished him for his inner desires that had finally been unleashed. Her friend finally popped his cock free from his lips, and Charlie collapsed into a heap on the ground, a wet mess, almost completely out of his mind as he spasmed on the floor. As he looks up from the ground, he can see Megan’s face softening slowly back to her usual demeanor, her hand still red from only moments ago.

“I don’t think we can rightly leave her here, can we? Let’s take her back and look after her.”

They both agree, and her friend slings Charlie over his arms, helping him walk as he drips his mess down his ankles with each step. On the way out of the mall, he sees Megan discard some white cards into the bin beside them, but brushes it off in his delirious state, more focused on how he’d convince them to keep him even longer.

What he didn’t know was that there’d be no convincing needed, the two of them exchanging smug glances at not having to use his photos, the blackmail working perfectly, and the two of them having the perfect little sissy slut to abuse and humiliate at home~

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