Married wife sex stories

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Cheating is wrong, very wrong, but how can something that's wrong feel so good? I've been married to Pete for 20 years, and as with every marriage, we stopped communicating, we stopped caring for each other. Our life became a routine, and I was sick of it, I would constantly sit on the table, with my glass of wine and watch him cook, and he would ask me the usual: "Did you picked up the dry cleaning? Did you pay the bills? Do you want more wine?" I was sick of it. 

I started cheating on him with Luke, a younger, stronger, dominant man I met at the gym, who really knows how to turn me on and make me beg for more, he has become a relief in my life, but I love my husband and I wish he could be a little more like Luke, to do everything Luke does to me. 

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One day, I was doing the usual, sitting on the table, having my wine as he cooked dinner for us. Pete came over to me and laid a kiss on my cheek. "You smell different, is that a new perfume?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I was wearing a perfume Luke gifted me, of course I lied, "yeah, it's new." 

"It smells good," then he laid a plate with food in front of me, and sat across the table. "Things aren't going well in the office, the market dropped two points because of Tesla."

He commented this to me like I care about any of that stuff, I limited myself to smirk, "It's insane, and they're rising rates, I think we're near a recession, I'm scared I might lose some good contracts."

"You'll find a way to solve it, you always do," I said without paying much attention to him. Any conversation we ever had was just like this, about his work, about the stock market, about his boring life. 

Suddenly my phone started buzzing, I looked at the top screen, it was Luke, I didn't pick it up. I got a little nervous but pretended to be okay. 

"Is that your phone?" he asked checking on his from across the table.

"I guess so," I said. I continued to eat my food, but it buzzed again. I ignored it again, but Pete didn't. 

"Aren't you going to pick it up?" Pete asked me, "might be important."

"It's probably one of those salesmen," I excused myself resuming my eating, but then it buzzed again, insistently, and I got even more nervous. 

"Why don't you answer it?" he asked me in a very serious tone, and I moved my head, in denial. 

"No, it's nothing, I'm sure," I said right away and Pete stood up, got closer to me and ordered me to check it.

"Come on," he insisted. I removed it from beneath my leg and refused to check it, but then he ripped it off my hands. 

Pete had access to my phone, he unlocked it and went through the messages, his face instantly changed from serious to completely mad. 

"What the fuck is this Leah?! Give me a reason for this!" he shouted at me, showing me my phone and the messages I had with Luke.

"It's nothing, Pete," I said, looking down, embarrassed.

"Nothing? 'Luke I want you to make me choke on your cock', does it sound like nothing?"

I got instantly mad, "I'm tired Pete, I'm sick of being invisible to you, I'm tired of being ignored! You don't touch me anymore and Luke? Luke dominates me, he fucks me hard and orders me to please him and I fucking love it."

I vented out my frustration and Pete got even madder, "so, he makes you crawl and tells you to take off your clothes, is that it?" Suddenly, Pete took off his belt, and I was confused. "Take off your panties," he ordered me, I stared at him for a bit making sure he was being serious, and hesitating, I stood up from my chair, pulled up my dress and slid down my panties. 

"Bent over the table," he told me, I did. My hands were shaky, and I didn't know how to react, this was not what I expected of him, but I followed his command, I laid my torso on the table, and he pulled up my dress exposing my buttocks. I stared at the wall in front of me and suddenly, I felt his belt landing on my buttock, hard, causing my entire body to twitch in place. 

I moaned, I felt the tingly sensation traveling on my skin, "If you want to be punished I'll fucking punish you, but you will not see that man again!" he said and whipped me again. 

I moaned, I've never seen my husband so mad and so sexy before at the same time, I couldn't believe this was happening. He whipped me again, harder and I loved it. He made me count his hits and my buttocks became so sensitive that when he caressed my ass it made my body twitch, then he would hit me again, making me moan. Then he stopped, pulled me up from the table and faced me. 

"Suck on my cock, now!" he said to me as he pulled down his pants, exposing his cock. I couldn't believe he was already so hard, his cock twitch and throbbed before my eyes as he moved away from me. I got down on my knees and crawled up to him. The moment I wrapped my fingers around his manhood I knew this was going to be very exciting. I opened my mouth and took him inside, swirling my tongue around his shaft as it slid in. I sucked his head and tasted his precum, then, he gripped my head and began fucking my mouth. 

He had never done that before, but feeling his strength and the way he was using me made me get intensely wet, and I wanted more, I caught my hands crawling down my belly to touch myself, I couldn't believe Pete was doing this, and it felt so good. After he was done, he made me stand up and pushed me against the wall, making me face it, then he spread my buttocks and got on his knees, he sank his tongue deep within my folds, tasting my wetness and eating me out. It was so sudden my entire body twitch when I felt it, his tongue traveled up and down my slit like an eel exploring the ocean. It had been years since Pete did anything like that, and I was thrilled to feel his tongue once again exploring my body. 

He would land a spank on my ass from time to time as he ate me out, and I would ask and beg him for more. I never felt this way before with Pete, and I was thrilled, he was finally being the man I needed. Pete then brushed my entrance with his cock and penetrated me hard and deep right there against the wall. 

Feeling his fat cock stretching my walls was amazing, he spanked me some more as he fucked me harder and faster, taking me quickly to the edge of my own climax, and right when I was about to release my orgasm, he punished me by stopping entirely, and spanked me instead. He did it again, fucked me hard until I reached that point and stop completely, it was driving me insane. 

"Please, let me cum baby, please!" I begged him over and over again, but instead, he would spank me harder each time. After a while he took me to the couch and fucked me from behind. 

I felt his cock deep inside me and his crotch hitting my ass as he moved, it was also arousing and hot that I couldn't control myself, Pete held onto my hips and moved me on his cock just as he wanted, he used my body and took me to another edge, which he denied again. I never begged anyone this much for a release, not even Luke, Pete was keeping right where he wanted. 

Hearing him moaning was precious, seeing his enraged but pleased face was beyond words, and I started feeling my love for him burning again inside me, I didn't want him to stop, but Pete moved relentlessly inside my pussy and soon, he spurted his load, filling me up entirely. 

"You're not going to cum until I know you ended it with Luke," he said. 

"Yes, sir," I replied, "I love you; I promise I'll end it."

My affair definitely changed my marriage for the better, it made me understand that Pete was also frustrated, and that he needed to release the tension somehow. I'm now his wife, and his submissive, and I couldn't be happier to explore this new side of our marriage, with the man I truly love and want to serve. 

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