Wife gets gangbanged for punishment

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A hidden desire 

That girls’ night out would be a fucking splendor, yet Lora had no clue of what awaited her; Her friend, Lisa had called a surprise, and now this young wife was boiling with excitement. This sort of entertainment was new to her, thus she dressed fine, wearing a tight dark dress on her body, allowing her dark blonde hair to trickle down on her back. 

Her endless legs appeared like nothing but a fucking work of art resting on those high heels that would make any straight man drool for a fucking hour.   

Horny and looking for a quick fuck? Can’t miss out on the best hook up site then!

“Bye sweetie, I’ll see you soon!” she uttered to her husband who now watched his gorgeous wife, whose eyes sparkled like the azure sea.   

“Have fun!” he added while a quick kiss ensued. 

The poor man had no idea those splendid meaty lips would taste a different cock not far away. 

“I will.” She smirked for a moment while the car honking could be heard in the background. 

“I have to go!” 

His nodding for approval would spell disaster soon enough, and while he watched that fine ass bouncing with each step. 

“God, you’re so beautiful.” He muttered to himself thinking of how he’d fuck Lora upon her return. 

Quick kisses on the cheek as Lora got in the car; 

“Girl, I thought you had changed your mind.” 

“For nothing in the world,” Lora exclaimed with utter excitement while she waved slightly in front of her face as if she couldn’t grasp enough air anymore. 

“So, where are we going tonight?” 

“I told you it was a surprise!” Lisa replied with a devilish smirk on her face. 

This one was a devoted bachelorette who hated the idea of marriage and committing to a single man for the rest of her life; thus, she would push Lora on a path she deemed as ‘necessary’.  

Slightly chubby, with dark hair and glasses that masked her beaded dark eyes, this girl foretold the trouble to occur through her mere presence. 

“Ok…” the young wife sighed plunging into the car seat while her friend cranked up the engine, speeding away. 

It didn’t take long for them to reach this fancy restaurant, where a mere chunk of meat would cost a fortune. 

Lora could see the lavish chandeliers from the outside, the fancy-dressed customers, and luxurious cars parked nearby. 

“Wow, Cajou?” she exclaimed. 

“Don’t you like it? I wanted you to ‘remember’ this night.” 

Lisa’s quick reply did carry a hidden meaning as Lora would certainly remember that night for the remaining of her life. 

“Sure, but this must be expensive.” 

Lora’s mesmerized sigh did not impress her friend. 

“It’s all covered, you don’t have to spend a dime, don’t worry.”

Said and done; the girls walked inside that fancy establishment stealing everyone’s eyes, especially Lora who looked like a living Goddess. She didn’t fancy the attention but soon she got accustomed to it. 

“Everyone’s looking at us,” Lora whispered to her friend, who provided no reply and only smiled slightly. 

Those curves were worthy of admiring indeed, and now Lora would get the full attention. Sitting at their table, Lisa signaled the waiter who was a slim young boy to bring them a bottle of Merlot and two glasses. 

It looked like the arrangements had been done already, but Lora had no idea, and just stood there waiting to see what happened next. 

The wine was poured and Lisa grabbed her glass shortly after, raising it in the air. 

“Cheers my friend, To freedom and a splendid night!” 

“Cheers!” Lora replied not knowing what the idea of freedom really meant. 

Indeed, Lisa’s thoughts went to sexual freedom, a sort of debauchery Lora could not even dare dream about. 

“So, how do you want to spend the night?” 

Lisa’s question took the gorgeous blonde by surprise, who didn’t know exactly what to reply. 

“With you? How else?”

That’s when a wicked smirk took root on Lisa’s chubby face. 

“Sure…” she added taking the first sip. 

The way she looked at Lora above her square glasses foretold trouble already and two glasses of wine later, the real trouble occurred.    

Three young men walked inside the restaurant, and it became clear they were Lisa’s acquaintances. She waved violently at them the moment a dark-haired tall sturdy man walked in through the door accompanied by his friends. 

“Heey, Rob… Here!” she screamed for everyone to hear her. 

Lora was a bit embarrassed by her friend’s reaction at this point, but there was nothing she could do about it. The deed was done and all three men were heading to their table now. They were all slender in appearance and full of life, the type of ‘macho’ any woman would dream of. 

“Who are they?” 

“Friends of mind, shh… they’re fun.” Lisa retorted. 

In seconds, Rob, David, and Alex were sitting with them at the table just like old friends who found the perfect place to gather to share distant memories. 

As Rob shook hands with the gorgeous blonde, a magnetic connection occurred; his ebony hair and nice haircut did draw Lora’s attention, but she knew well she was a married woman and chose to be reserved in her reactions. 

“Rob, nice meeting you.”

“Lora…” she smiled blushing slightly. Then she shook hands with the other two. 

It became clear at this point that she had become the star of the night and now all eyes were on her. Lora did not relish the attention, but as the night went on, and wine poured restlessly, sentiments changed.

Alas, Lisa would be the one to break the ice. 

“Who wants to get out of here?” 

The woman’s excitement surprised Lora who nudged her slightly looking at her with confused eyes. She didn’t break a word though as she was too tipsy now to start an argument. 

“Sure!” David replied while his hazel eyes sparkled like precious gems. 

“Great!” Lisa retorted grabbing her bag already. 

The destination was unclear, but now Lora was carried by the wave and had to go along with the idea. 

They stormed out of the restaurant before they could eat a fucking thing; the lack of food could only strengthen the wine’s effect, and now Lora began feeling how the world around her began changing shape. 

Euphoric like never before she got in the car the boys had come with upon Lisa’s suggestion. 

“I’ll take Rob with me, you go with David and Alex.”

Lora submitted without too much debate; the drivers were drunk already and as she slouched in the backseat of that sedan ford, she tried to get a hold of her senses. 

“Where am I going? Lisa would better be right about it.”

The only thought crossing her mind was clubbing, but Lora could not be farther from the truth. In less than fifteen minutes, both cars parked near a tower building, with at least 15 stories where a penthouse had been reserved in advance. 

Lisa grabbed her neck squeezing it tightly. 

“Private party baby, you’re gonna love it, trust me!” 

Trust was the last thing Lora was feeling in those moments, but it became clear to her that she could not back down anymore. 

In a way, she did enjoy the thrill of the atmosphere, and how it made her feel alive. They climbed inside the elevator and in no time were up on the last floor. the place looked fabulous, with beige leather sofas, futuristic neon lighting on the walls, and a view of the city to kill for. 

“Just look!” Lisa encouraged her friend, urging Lora to pose for a sexy pic near the large window. 

“Let’s play a game.” Lisa then uttered out of nowhere, grabbing an empty bottle. 

“The ends will kiss!” she smirked raising her eyebrows. 

Lora accepted thinking a quick kiss could not harm anyone, especially since her husband would never find out. 

And so the games began!

The first match would be the last as Rob and Lora were condemned to share a passionate kiss. With all that booze in between, the young wife leaned slowly towards him, feeling how her body began trembling with the thrill. This was the first kiss she shared with another, from the day she first met her husband. 

The sparks occurring in between paralyzed Lora’s senses, and before she could draw another breath, Rob’s hands slipped in between her round tits. 

“Ahh…” she gasped knowing this was a ‘trap she’d never get away from, not that she wanted too much at this point. 

Lora’s shock transformed into a curious smirk as everyone watched the whole scene. She wanted it more than her words would tell and as Rob’s lips descended on her neck and shoulders, pushing that dress out of the way, and now she just lay back on the couch moaning from the depths of her very essence. 

“I shouldn’t…” she barely drew a breath at this point. 

Lisa approached her, calling the other two guys to join in. 

“Shh!” the chubby woman covered her lips. 

“Just enjoy the moment.” 

Enjoyment and ecstasy were on the menu now as Lora started to give in to temptation; her flesh was close to taking fire as she reached for Rob’s cock. Her husband, marriage… she had forgotten of it all as Lora craved for cock… and more than at once as David and Alex were there eager to please her every desire. 

Soon, Lora’s dress fell to her waist revealing a pair of gorgeous tits, round and firm with rosy nipples begging for endless kissing. Before she could take another breath, all three men surrounded her with their immense desire; they kissed every inch of her body, revealing her full nakedness to their eyes. 

Just like a mermaid on a rock, Lora slouched on the sofa now, beautiful as she was while caressing Rob’s hard cock with her hands; her lips were less than one inch away, eager to kiss it… and she did so, with a passion she had never felt before. 

David went down on her kissing that splendid abdomen until his thick lips reached her clit; deep thrills captured her, going back and forth on the curve of her spine, as Lora moaned restlessly. 

“Hmm, Ohh God…!” 

Feeling such pleasure from all sides is something she had never experienced before, as her left hand was stroking Alex’s cock. 

Her lips, cunt, and hands were all filled with cock, and as David suck and licked that wet bud with wide moves, he could feel the amazing energy running through her body. His every touch urged Lora to suck harder and ever deeper on  Rob’s cock who had gripped her hair in his hand thrusting deep inside. 

“Fuck yeah, that’s it, baby!” 

Lora looked up almost with puppy eyes begging for approval, waiting for Rob’s reaction. She had no clue that David would fuck her right away. Penetration came with immense surprise and pleasure. 

“Ahh!” Lora groaned feeling his full girth pleasing her, while that large mushroom head stretched her cunt to the limit. 

Sweat trickled down her neck and tits, while David pounded her, making that ass clap like a motherfucker, while spanking it hard. 

“Ohh fuck!” Lora gasped losing her breath almost as she choked on Rob’s Cock. 

“That’s it, girl, go get it!” Alex smirked on the side rubbing himself for a moment. 

He couldn’t wait for too long and smacked her face with it, pushing it in between her lips as well. Lisa slouched on a recliner near the scene, watching it with sexual hunger, and a strange kind of satisfaction. 

Soon, Lora was sucking on two cocks at once, filling her pretty mouth with hard meat. 

“Hmm, ahh!” she kept squealing as Rob grabbed her chin. 

“Tell me you want it hard!” 

The young wife nodded biting her gorgeous lips; she didn’t say a word though, but it was more than enough. 

Rob now grabbed her ass and ‘threw’ it on the floor, and started fucking her doggy, but not before slapping that ass with both his hands, to make it jiggle like never before. 

“Shiet!” the man smirked rubbing that mushroom head against her wet cunt. 

His first thrust was paralyzing causing Lora to almost fall flat. 

“Ohhh!” she groaned suddenly but she found support on the two other cocks that waited pleasing. 

David’s giant dick made its way into her mouth before she could take another breath while Rob shook her ass with hard thrusts.

“Mhhmm!” she kept gasping while Rubbing Alex’s cock with her right hand only to pass her lips onto it now and then.

By now, her luscious body was soaking in warm sweat as Lora had forgotten of her husband altogether. She loved the gangbang more than anything as she would relish every bit of it. The more cock the better, as her beautiful body had now discovered its true nature.            

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