Gay sex with Tom Holland story

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Tom was chatting with Harrison sitting on a couch, the man was telling him some funny joke when Tom let out a laugh, just a few moments later things escalated and Tom pounced on Harrison to kiss him. As usually happens, Harrison ends up dominating the kiss and Tom just lets himself be carried away by the moment and Harrison's hands roaming his body. Je pulled Tom closer to him. He made him straddle him and kissed his nose. Tom soon blushed and kissed Harrison on the lips. Within seconds, Tom's moans appeared, and with them an erection in Harrison's pants.

Tom looked at Harrison and felt his cheeks tingle as his face turned red. The Holland boy got up and stripped as fast as he could and once he was naked Harrison's eyes opened wide. Underneath the clothes, there was no skin but more clothes. A full set of lingerie lay over Tom's body. A bralette halfway down his chest and panties attached with a garter to stockings. Harrison marvelled at the contrast of black against Tom's skin.

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Harrison pulled Tom closer to him and kissed him intensely. Their tongues clashed every time Tom wanted to regain control, but Harrison wouldn't allow it. After a few seconds, they broke apart to catch their breath.

Sex story about Tom Holland (Spiderman)

Tom moaned as one of Harrison's hands landed on his ass cheeks. Harrison smiled at Tom's moan and did it again. Without wasting any more time he pulled off his own pants and stroked his cock.

Tom knelt down and took Harrison's cock into his mouth, making Harrison moan as he felt Tom's tongue on his glans. Tom pushed more of Harrison's cock in and Harrison didn't refuse, but when Tom's nose touched his pubic hair, Harrison pushed his boyfriend away.

Tom blinked in response and lay still warming Harrison's cock. A few minutes later, Harrison pushed Tom back slightly and guided him into the bedroom, where he pushed him onto the bed and settled him on all fours.

Harrison moved Tom's panties to the side and saw his tight pink round hole with a faint trace of hair on it. Slowly, Harrison moved his mouth closer to Tom's hole and pressed his tongue inside.

Harrison stuck his tongue in Tom's hole and moved it all around. He sucked and spit everywhere leaving inside and outside Tom's hole wet, ready to stick his cock in and fuck Tom.

Tom felt one of Harrison's fingers enter his hole and he groaned with a touch of pain because he hadn't been stretched like that in a long time. Mercilessly, Harrison inserted two more fingers and now there were three fingers inside Tom.

Tom was still moaning as Harrison shredded his insides with his fingers. He felt a rush of air as Harrison pulled his fingers out and felt more liquid in his hole before he pushed his cock inside. Tom opened his eyes as he felt Harrison's cock and moved his hands.

One more thrust and Harrison hit Tom's prostate hard. That made Tom moan and scream. Feeling Harrison's cock inside, made him think of something he knew was improbable, but not impossible, and he wanted Harrison to make that dream come true.

Harrison kept pounding hard inside Tom and felt so happy that he could be the one to fuck Tom. He knew many people wanted to fuck Tom or have Tom fuck them. That was an incentive to fuck harder.

Tom was flying and his eyes were rolling from how thick Harrison's cock was and all the pleasure he was getting.  He continued to fuck Tom's hole hard and without stopping. At one point he turned Tom's face to kiss him before pushing his head back down to the bed mattress. He grabbed a lock of hair and pulled it. His cock was still inside Tom fucking and ravaging Tom's ass. Little by little, the farts in Tom's ass got louder as his asshole opened wider and wider and Tom's insides could be heard.

The thrusts continued until the tears in Tom's eyes became noticeable, so much friction on his pronounced 'hole' made his hole turn red, which made him sensitive. As Harrison continued to pound Tom's prostate knowing that Tom was crying, he brought him maximum pleasure.

The moaning didn't stop and it made Tom's toes curl, feeling pleasure. 

Tom let out more tears as he heard Harrison say that, that had been his dream for a while: to marry Harrison and raise a family together, so the moment Harrison said that, his mind was on the verge of an explosion from the stimulation his body was receiving.

The moaning on Tom's part didn't stop and Harrison got more excited hearing them because he knew he was responsible for making Tom all wrecked. It was not an unusual thing that, having so much activity inside his hole, Tom's mouth would expel those sounds, but only Harrison could make him scream like a bitch.

"You hear that?" asked Harrison "looks like you are begging to be filled."

"Yes Daddy! Please!" begged Tom.

Tom, with his hands, expanded his ass cheeks so that his ass was more exposed and Harrison could fuck him harder and easier.

"Just like that, open that hole for Daddy."

Tom did as he was ordered and opened his ass cheeks wider and felt much more pleasure than he had ever received before, not from fucking Harrison, but because Harrison had promised to fill him to the brim. He continues to fuck him hard chasing his orgasm.

"Daddy, I'm coming!"

"No baby, you are not"

Harrison squeezed Tom's penis hard to keep his cum from coming out before Harrison's, so he fucked Tom harder hoping to receive more pleading from him.

"Daddy!" cried Tom

"I'm on it, be a good boy and resist a bit".

Tom nodded and felt Harrison's body move away. Tom moved his hands to reach for Harrison's, but couldn't reach him.

"You're a very nice boy Tom, tell you have that plug I gave you around here?"

Tom didn't respond, he just groaned and buried his face in the mattress. That plug was a birthday surprise from Harrison to Tom. Tom one day said he would like one, but didn't say the reason and Harrison hoped to see his boyfriend and best friend happy he bought it.

"I need an answer baby."

"Under the bed, there's a red box."

Harrison took heed and found the box, only when he opened it there wasn't just a plug.

He returned to his previous view and got a good look at Tom. His legs spread wide, his ass torn up and the lingerie at its most erotic possible. He could see Tom's face against the mattress and his hands at his sides. As more sounds came out of his whiny mouth.

"I'm back. Thanks for telling me where the plug was, good boy."

Tom moaned and waited again for Harrison's cock which soon entered his 'hole'. The cock went in smoothly and all the way in. Touching Tom's insides smoothly, which made him moan.

"Prepare for Daddy's cum!"

Tom couldn't stop moaning, his face was a combination of sweat and tears that he couldn't quite make out, but when Harrison gripped his ass cheeks tightly and thrust his hips into Harrison, he knew he was getting close.

"Yes Tommy! You're going to carry Daddy's babies in your belly, I'm going to breed you!"

That was the last thing Tom heard before he felt Harrison's hot cum inside him. He felt it spread all over his body and Harrison's grip on his hips, it wouldn't stop. It was a few more seconds until Harrison stopped and pulled out of Tom before he could get the plug into Tom's gaped hole.

"Yes Daddy!"

"Yes Tom, you are now full of my semen. Everyone will know who you belong to."

"Yes daddy, fuck! Let me cum"

"You've been a good boy Tom, cum for Daddy."

Uncontrollably, semen spurted out of Tom's hole and spread all over the bed. Harrison quickly fetched two glasses of water and handed one to Tom, while he drank from the other glass.

"That was amazing Tom, it's been a long time since I came in that strong. You are something special."

"Thank you Daddy" replied Tom blushing.

Tom lay down on the bed and Harrison pulled out his phone and logged on to the web.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm ordering more of that lingerie, I'll order red and white."

"Thanks, Daddy"

Tom fell asleep in Harrison's arms that night, lingerie on and semen inside him. Harrison held him tightly and they both fell asleep together.

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