Mom deepthroat: Fantasy Comes True (Pt. 3)

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Both Diana and Jack were happy that they had averted danger and Diana was even happier because he got to fuck 8 nasty men. But, Diana and jack could fuck again so they did. Diana’s ass was still hurting because those men inserted a baseball bat inside her ass. But, that didn’t stop Ryan from fucking her ass. He also fucked her hard in the morning. Suddenly he received a WhatsApp notification on his phone. He checked it and it was the sex tape of Diana getting fucked by 8 men. Jack’s smile just went away from his face. Diana asked, “What just happened?” Jack gave her his phone and Diana's face turned gloomy. Another ping and a message appeared, “I will send this to your father now unless you do what I want.” It was from Michael, Jack’s best friend. He called Michael but he didn’t pick up. Michael texted, “Don’t call. Talk to me here.” So, Jack asked, “Why are you doing this?” Michael replied, “It doesn’t matter. What matters is what I want.” Jack asked, “So what do you want?” Michael replied, “Your stepmother.” Jack messaged, “Are you crazy? You are my best friend.” Michael replied, “That’s why I haven’t sent this to your father yet. I would get a good amount of money if I send this to your father but I won’t. Do you know why Jack? Because I care for you and this bitch is a true whore. I want to deep throat her Jack. Please give her to me. I have a few friends who would like to rip her throat apart with their dicks. They want her and that would solve my problems as well. So, do consider this or otherwise, I have to send this to your father.” Diana told Jack to ask Michael how many of his friends want her. Jack knew that the whore was already wet. Thus, he didn’t waste any time and asked Michael what Diana wanted to know. Michael replied, ’10 to 12 men are eagerly waiting to fuck this bitch. Bring her, Jack. I beg you.” Diana after that told Jack to ask Michael, ‘When and where do we need to go?” Michael replied, “Tonight at Xavier’s house, 8 PM.” Jack asked Diana, “Are you sure you want to do this?” Diana replied, “There is no harm in doing it if we can retrieve the tape and also, it would be fun for me. Last night, it was 12 men and tonight, there will be more than that. I will have a blast, Jack. Don’t worry.” Jack nodded.

Preparation and Excitement

Diana was excited because she was getting more dicks tonight and as a nympho, she was getting ready to have a blast. Jack on the other hand looked calm. But, whenever he was in front of Diana, he pretended to be a bit worried. Jack also wanted to see how that nympho would stand against the 10 to 12 dicks that she was supposed to get that night. They reached Xavier’s house at the right time and rang the bell. Michael opened the door and welcomed both of them. Only Michael and Xavier were there in the house. Diana asked, “Where are those other men?” Xavier looked at Michael and said, “Look, this nympho just can’t wait to get those dicks.” Michael said, “They are on their way.” Jack said, “Why are you doing this, Michael?” Xavier told Michael, “Haven’t you told him?” Michael laughed and said, “He knows everything. All this is his plan.”

The Great Reveal

Jack also burst out in laughter and now, Diana was confused. She had no clue why Jack suddenly started laughing because he was looking concerned for her a while ago. She couldn’t hold herself back and asked, “What’s the matter? Why are you laughing like this?” Jack looked at Diana with a stern face and slapped her across the face and said, “You will know bitch, you will know.” Diana suddenly realized what just happened. She could resist and ask, “Are you the one who shot the entire sex tape?” Jack didn’t reply. He just smiled and that was the answer to Diana. Diana was now angry and she wanted to slap Jack. But, Xavier and Michael took hold of her and dragged her to a different room. They were all waiting for the arrival of those other men.

Please Don’t Do This

After an hour, Diana heard the sound of a car stopping in front of the house where she was trapped. She went closer to the window to see whether she can find out who just came. She knew that those guys will fuck her on that very night. He saw some men getting out of the car and escorting a guy inside the house. She couldn’t see the face of that man. But, it looked like that man was an important person that was why so many studs were escorting her. She counted the men who were escorting that man and found out they were 8. So, she knew that the time had come for her to get fucked. Diana already guessed that Jack, Xavier, and Michael will join these 8 studs and the man whom they were escorting. Diana didn’t mind because, for her, the more dicks she got were better for her. That was why her pussy was already wet. While thinking all this, she heard the lock of her door opening and she saw Xavier and Michael coming inside the room. They hold her hands and started dragging her inside the great hall room where everyone was sitting. They were guarding one man and she was eager to know who that important man was. Suddenly she heard a voice she knew all too well, “Drop that bitch right there.” Diana was surprised and asked, “Brendan?” The man answered, “It doesn’t matter. Play that sex tape guys.” Xavier and Michael played that of her while Jack was holding her. Diana sniffed trouble but she was helpless. While watching the sex tape, that voice said, “Looks like you were enjoying. You had a husband who used to love you and you still did that. All right, we will give you more than that. But, before everything else, sign the paper Xavier will give you now.” Diana defiantly said, “I have a husband, not had first of all and secondly, what paper are you talking about? My husband will very angry if he knows that her wife is getting tortured by his son and his friends and bloody gangsters.” The voice answered, “Your husband knows.” Everyone made way for that man to appear and he was Brendan and the papers that Xavier gave to Diana were for their divorce. Brendan went closer to her, slapped her face and said, “You belong to strip clubs and brothels because you are a whore and those were the places where you will find happiness.” Knowing there would be no way back for her, Diana signed the divorce papers and after that, Brendan brought his dick out and she went down on her knees to suck it. As the action began, all men inside the room stripped and got their dicks out for Diana. They all sat in a circle and Diana went to each of them and sucked them off. After that, one of Brendan's bodyguards started fucking her from behind and screamed, “Thank you, sir, I wanted to fuck this bitch for a long time.” Brendan acknowledged him while holding a glass of whiskey. He kept on fucking her until he came inside her. After that, his position was taken over by Jack and Xavier also joined in to start double penetration. Seeing that she was enjoying herself, Brendan walks up to the scene and started to fuck her mouth mercilessly. He was moving his dick as deep as possible in her mouth. She was gagging badly but they were not stopping. Jack grabbed her stepmom’s hair and fucked her ferociously. After they ejaculated all over her body, they moved away and other bodyguards of Brendan came and fucked her again. When they all stopped, she just couldn’t move. Xavier and Jack picked her up and dumped her on the road.

Where Am I?

Diana was naked and couldn’t do anything. When she opened her eyes, she was in front of a car and an unknown man was driving that car. He covered her with his coat and was taking her somewhere. Diana asked, “Where am I?” The man said nothing. She looked behind and saw many other women in the same vehicle behind her. At that moment, she realized that she was taken to an asylum. She remembered that she was dumped on the road and after that, they must have called the mental hospital and they were taking her to the asylum. Diana feeling helpless did the only thing she could have done; she smiled.

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