They can range anywhere from an orgy between friends, a regular event they attend, detailing how couples mix and friends let out their desires together, to a lecherous and depraved party, descending quickly into a sex-filled frenzy! If you like the subtlety of friends, or even co-workers, getting involved in a secret, steamy evening of passion, then orgies would be a great fit. Though if you’re into the fast-paced and sex-crazed side of things, parties, raves and even stories of people being paid to be at the centre of one may tickle your fancy more.
Testing the waters and finding your preferred style of group sex stories is an important first step to being able to pick out your favorites, otherwise you may soon find yourself lost. So if you needed an excuse to get stuck-in with a good story, then there it is! Find one that entices you and begin building your catalog of carnal tales.