True adult sexual confessions stories

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What could be more delightful than an array of sensual confessions? These sorts of confessions tend to involve steamy scenarios that are outside of our normal area of smut, something that you’d keep to yourself, unless asked of course.

These are the sorts of stories that would normally be reserved for porn plots or pent-up fantasies, but these are all real confessions of events that these people were lucky (or unlucky) to go through.. Look through and delve into the perverted escapades of these kinky explorers, and enjoy their stories as much as we have!

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Confession 1. The Back Alley

Okay, so this is a bit embarrassing, but I’ve always had a kink for having multiple guys use me. Not at once, but more one after the other sort of thing.

Anyway, I was out with some friends at a club and was enjoying the night with someone I had met there. He was rather gruff and inviting with his eyes, so I eventually offered to sneak out the back with him and have a little ‘fun’ in the alley behind the club.

Obviously, he was rather eager, and we quickly dove out and began enjoying ourselves in private. One thing led to another, and I was pressed up against the cold wall as he fucked me from beneath my skirt! It was a little daring, which only added to how amazing it felt, and eventually I felt him finish inside of me, and we began heading back inside.

He headed in before me, and someone came outside just at that moment, locking eyes with me, cum still leaking down my thighs, and my tits still out of my shirt. It only took a moment of staring before we silently agreed to have some fun as well! Before I knew it, I was pressed up against that wall again, feeling my pussy filled by another man that I had just met, until he also finished inside of me.

The flow of people didn’t stop, and as if they were sending them out to meet me, I spent the rest of the night in that back alley having my holes stretched, each man roughly using me as their toy! It felt amazing to have that sensation of being an object for them, tirelessly used and abused by their cocks, not even a name spoken between us before they shoved themselves inside. Save to say, I became a regular at that club, and everyone soon knew when the best time to head outside was~!

Confession 2. Outnumbered

I saw him across the room, and I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was tall, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. I nudged my friends, and we made our way over to him.

Before we knew it, we had him in the bathroom with us. The other girls and I got down on our knees, each of us taking turns kissing and sucking on his cock, even licking his balls with a fierce enthusiasm.

I couldn't believe how lucky we were to have him all to ourselves, to have his undivided attention. I felt a thrill run through me as I worked, watching him struggle to keep up with our energy.

As we finished, his hot cum staining our faces, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me. We had given him a truly unforgettable experience. Leaving him slumped against the sink, we made our way back out into the club, feeling empowered and in control.

Looking back, I realise how daring and spontaneous our actions were, but in the moment, it just felt like we were seizing the opportunity to have some fun. And who knows, maybe we gave him a story to tell for the rest of his life.

Confession 3. Dinner Date

I once went out with a guy purely based on the fact that he looked like an animalistic brute, someone who could take control and use me like I’d always wanted.

I occasionally sunk into fits of perverted delights in my mind as I stared at him, and while lost in these moments, an idle smile crept across his face, eliciting a shiver of arousal across my body at being looked at like this.

It was like he was staring at me like an object, no, like something to admire. I felt it then, the realisation that it wasn’t a rude gesture and he certainly wasn’t the awkward type, he was blatantly staring at me, eyefucking me with each passing second.

I struggled with the conclusion. It was undeniable that we both were turning a few heads in the restaurant, but I couldn’t get over what was going on.

I wasn’t certain of what he was doing, but it definitely felt like it, that sting against my skin that I’ve felt many times before. I couldn’t stop myself from returning the favour, locking eyes as I tried to sink into his fantasy, joining him for a moment to see what it’s like.

I sunk into a fantasy of stepping into his bedroom, the two of us practically tearing our clothes off like wild beasts. His hot breath against my skin, his rough hands running up my thigh as he clasps his fingers around the hem of my panties, gripping tightly before ripping them from my body. That sound of the fabric tearing would signal the start of our intense evening together, leading to him taking me like he had been picturing over our date.

I suddenly felt my eyes refocus, catching a gasp escaping my lips as I struggled to compose myself. I had to catch myself from continuing my thoughts any further, my breathing had become ragged, my face even flushing red with how turned on I was getting from it! Eventually I decided to wrap things up and head home, but not without a few new fantasies to enjoy myself in private, and a new guy I could call on to indulge in them!

Confession 4. Sneaking Away

I was always captivated by older men. It was the only thing that kept my mind off the drudgery of everyday life. But my parents didn't understand my love, and they forbade me from indulging in it, practically chasing out any potential partners I had found.

One night, I couldn't resist the urge to play anymore. I slipped out of my bedroom window and made my way to the house of an older man who lived down the street. I had seen him shirtless in the park and was convinced that he was the only one who could truly understand my passion.

I arrived at the man's house and knocked on his door, hoping that he would be awake. The man opened the door and looked at me with a mixture of surprise and amusement. But when I explained my desires, he smiled warmly and invited me inside.

The man's name was Mr. Collins, and he had been playing with young adults like me for 30-odd years. He was impressed by my knowledge of the dynamic and challenged me to see how long I could last with him. For hours we indulged together, and for the first time in a long time, I felt truly happy.

As the sun began to rise, I knew I had to leave before my parents woke up. I thanked Mr. Collins for the wonderful night and promised to come back again. From that night on, I snuck out of my bedroom every week to play with Mr. Collins, my secret mentor and friend.

Now, we’ve got a few steamy confessions from several men who explored the more daring side to their sexual lives. Men tend to have a harder time being open about these things, as some can be seen as a challenge to their masculinity. Though as you’ll see, there’s no kind of judgement like that here!

We enjoy each and every confession, especially as we’re able to dive into the private lives of these men as they explore themselves. So dive on with us and discover a few tantalising secrets that men tend to hide behind closed doors!

Confession 5. Backdoor Delights

I hadn’t thought about anything going behind before, and to be quite honest, when my partner offered to experiment together, I was a bit hesitant. After a lot of convincing, I’m glad I went with it!

The entire experience was almost euphoric. She bent me over, slapping the dildo against my backside a few times, and then took great delight in teasing it inside, to which I found myself getting quite hard from. The tingling sensation in my chest only grew as she pushed deeper, and eventually, I felt her sliding it in and out of my ass, and to my surprise, moans started escaping my lips!

I was well and truly addicted within just a few strokes, and I felt a thin trickle of precum dribble down my cock, dangling between my legs.

Confession 6. Experienced Hands

At the time, I was just a younger man working at a local grocery store, stocking the shelves with the usual goods. It was a typical evening shift, and the store was quiet with only a few customers browsing the aisles.

Suddenly, an voluptuous older woman approached me, and before I could even say hello, she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the back room. I was surprised and frightened, wondering what was happening. She slammed the door shut behind us and looked at me with wild eyes.

"Please help me," she pleaded, "I can't stand it anymore, just fuck me!"

I didn't know what to do, but I could see the desperation in her eyes, so I stayed calm and let her guide me through it. I tried to make her comfortable, and after a few minutes, our fits of passion had culminated in a rather explosive finish, leaving us both rather embarrassed before we fixed our clothes.

The older woman thanked me and let me leave the room. I staggered back to my work, my mind still spinning from the unexpected encounter.

Confession 7. A Test of Endurance

I was just a regular guy in university. I studied hard, hung out with friends, and never imagined anything out of the ordinary would happen to me. Though all it took was one drunken bet with the sorority and I suddenly had a line of girls outside of my door, seeing if I could survive a night of forced orgasms.

As the first girl entered my room, I was excited, but things soon took a turn. Each girl came in, gave me a mind-bending orgasm, and then left, making way for the next girl in line. It was a strange and surreal experience.

As the line grew shorter, my cock grew sore from being milked so roughly so many times, and I started to feel exhausted. It was a never-ending cycle of girls, each one smiling politely and thanking me for my time.

Finally, the last girl left, and I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted and bewildered. I had no way to process what had just happened, but I had just been brought to orgasm by almost every sorority girl on campus. It was an experience that would stay with me for the rest of my life, a reminder that sometimes life can be stranger than fiction.

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