Angel the Anal Slut

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Angel didn’t think she’d ever meet someone quite like John. He approached her on the subway one day, which was a dangerous and risky place to meet someone. Most women would scowl at any man who came up to them on the subway, especially one who looked so rough and tumble like John did. 

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He had a dark, shaved head and a dark, scruffy beard. Angel was most taken aback, however, by his eyes. They were piercing and just as dark as every other part of him.

“What are you reading?” he asked, nodding down at the book in Angel’s hands.

Angel paused for a moment, her blue eyes looking up at this strange man. Then she turned the cover so he could see it.

A History of Female Sexuality,” John said out loud. A smirk tugged at his lips. “Is it any good?”

Angel softened suddenly and motioned for John to sit next to her.

They took the subway two stops too far, realizing their mistake when it was too late. But John shrugged it off and suggested that they go to a hole-in-the-wall bar he knew in Brooklyn.

“You’re pretty damn beautiful, as far as strange women on the subway go,” said John, once they were situated at the bar.

Angel giggled and pushed her sandy blonde hair away from her face. Her cheeks were flushed red. 

“You’re just saying that,” she said, even though she knew he wasn’t.

They smiled at each other and sipped their drinks, and then John asked if he could see her tomorrow.

The next day turned into another day, and over the course of a month, the pair had seen each other at least 15 times. They hooked up on date three, and Angel had never met someone who fucked her like John. Most guys were too scared to be too rough with her, especially when she told them how much she liked anal sex.

Angel referenced the book she had been reading on the subway, about women reclaiming their sexuality. It was an important topic to her, she said. John listened with wide eyes and open ears.

They lay in bed one night, as police lights flashed outside, casting blue and red bursts of light to dance on the wall of John’s bedroom. They were just about to fall asleep, but a wave of horniness moved through Angel’s body, so she started to back her naked ass up against John’s crotch. The arm that had been lazily draped across her bare chest suddenly came to life as he stirred.

“Hmm?” John mumbled, before realizing what Angel was doing. “Oh. Hi there.”
Angel laughed softly and felt his cock get hard. She rolled over and shimmied down the bed, taking his cock into her mouth in one swift motion.

John stared down at her sucking him off. He felt suddenly awake. Angel looked beautiful like this, her blonde hair still wet from her shower and falling around her face. Her cheeks were sucked in as took his cock into her throat, forming dark hollows on the side of her face. 

Finally, Angel sat up and reached for the lube that was on her nightstand. She brought it out and handed it to John, who kicked the sheets off his legs and sat up, too.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he said, and his voice was rough and growly, just how Angel liked it.

She scrambled over to all fours and let out a cross between a gasp and a whimper as John dipped his head down to lick her ass. His tongue slid along her crack and dove into her hole.

“Fuck,” Angel groaned. Her back arched so she could stick her ass out even more. “That feels so good. . .” her voice trailed off into a high-pitched moan, like it always did when she had her ass eaten.

John sat up and put some lube on his dick and then on Angel’s asshole. He held on to her waist as he got behind her and dove his cock into her, fast and hard.

“FUCK!” shrieked Angel, falling forward onto John’s bed. “Holy shit, baby!”

“Yeah, you feel better now, don’t you?” hissed John, pummeling his cock in and out of Angel’s butt. “You just had to wake me up to fill your ass, huh?”

Angel whimpered. “Mmm, yes, baby! You know how I like it.”

“I do.” John’s fingers were pressing hard into her skin. “You love having that ass used and stretched out.”

He watched his cock slide in and out of her. He didn’t have a small package by any means, and when they first fucked, John felt like he was impossibly big for Angel’s adorable, tight asshole. But as they started to fuck around more, Angel’s butt quickly got used to John’s size, and now she could take him all the way up her ass like a champ.

“Use my ass, baby!” Angel cried, her face half muffled by the blankets. She didn’t want to wake the neighbors, but it was hard to stay quiet. “Use me like your little anal slut.”

“You are my little anal slut,” growled John, falling forward now.

Angel was flat on her stomach while John plunged into her ass from above, thrusting his hips into her over and over, hard and fast. His balls slapped against her, and it wasn’t long before Angel could feel herself about to cum.

“Baby!” she cried desperately. “John. . . fuck, ah, FUCK! Can I please cum, baby?”

“Hmmm,” said John, as though he was debating it. He reached down to grab a handful of Angel’s hair, and he pulled it, hard. “Let me see. I guess you’re doing a pretty good job of opening that ass for me. So yes, you can cum.”

“Oh, fuck, thank y-youuu!” Angel’s voice was shaky and wavered as her orgasm crashed over her. She nearly always climaxed from anal, but sometimes it was more intense. This was one of those times. John just had the perfect cock that hit her exactly in the right spot. 

Her orgasm took forever to leave her body, and all Angel could do was lay there, shaking and shivering. John didn’t stop fucking her ass once, but he did slow down. He wanted to watch his cock disappear into her ass. 

“God, this ass is made for fucking,” he said, sighing happily as he reached down to slap each of Angel’s ass cheeks. 

His hands spread her cheeks apart then. “Reach back here and do this for me,” he ordered.

Angel reached back to do as John asked. Her manicured hands held her ass cheeks apart, spreading them open so John could better access her hole. She knew how much he loved the view. 

“Back yourself up onto me, slut,” hissed John. “Get back up on all fours and do the work for once.”

Angel was a dripping mess now. She could feel the strings of wetness oozing out of her cunt as she got back up onto her hands and started to rock her body back and forth on John’s throbbing cock. He caressed her ass as she did this, giving her the occasional slap as though encouraging her. 

“You’re the happiest when you’ve got cock up your ass aren’t you?” asked John.

Angel looked back over her shoulder and nodded at him. Her eyes were wide. “Mhm. I can’t help it.”

“No, it’s a good thing, baby. I love how slutty you are for anal.” John smiled. “Keep fucking me. That’s right. You’re doing a good job. I want you to milk the cum out of my cock. I’m so close.”

Angel loved knowing that he was about to fill her ass up with all of his hot, thick cum. She started to rock back onto him even faster, listening to the subtle way his breath started to pick up.

Finally, John reached forward and pushed Angel into the bed, taking her hair in his hand once again. At the same time, he started to ram his cock firm and fast into her asshole, only making it a few thrusts before he started to cum.

“FUUUCK!” they both screamed simultaneously. 

John’s cum splashed deep into Angel’s used butthole, filling her up completely. Angel was smiling with her face in the blankets, feeling totally content. She loved the feeling of his cum up her butt. 

“Mmm, that’s fucking gorgeous,” moaned John, as he pulled out of Angel’s ass. “That cum just oozes out of you. You love that, don’t you.”
Angel rolled over and sighed. She felt blissful and exhausted. “I love it. I love how you use my ass, exactly the way I want to be used.”

John leaned down to kiss her forehead. He shimmied back under the sheets next to her, wishing he had thought to open the window before he did so. The room felt hot and stuffy now, the air thick with sex. 

“And I love using you.” John pulled Angel in against him, but she was already drifting into sleep. 

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