Fucking my sister in law sex story (Don’t tell my wife)

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“James!” Erica called upstairs. “Cecilia is on the phone and wants to know if you can help fix her garage door!”

James had just finished up in the shower and hurried down the stairs, his hair still wet. 

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“Right now?” he asked, looking at his wife, who was holding her phone against her ear. 

“Yes,” said Erica, “apparently the door is stuck open, and it’s not safe. You don’t mind, do you?”

Erica’s sister, Cecilia, was newly divorced and lived alone. Since she no longer had her husband around to help do maintenance around the house, Cecilia often called her brother-in-law to come to the rescue. James was happy to do it. It made both his wife and her sister happy.

“I’ll come right now,” said James, moving to the couch so he could put on his socks and shoes.

Erica smiled at her husband gratefully. “You’re the best, babe.”

The only problem with always lending Cecilia a hand was the fact that every time James came to her house, she was dressed in skimpy outfits. Sometimes she had on just a yoga bra and tight workout shorts, and other times, she’d be wearing a nightie that looked like it was just lingerie.

Today was no different. James parked in Cecilia’s driveway and walked straight into the open garage. He had just started to look at the garage door when Cecilia came in from the basement. 

James nearly choked. She was in a pair of boyshort underwear and a tight-fitting tank top. Her big breasts were nearly spilling out over the top. 

“Thank you so much,” said Cecilia, pulling her chocolate brown hair over one shoulder. She beamed at her brother-in-law. “You’re awesome. Is it fixable?”

“I think so,” said James. “Just going to go to my truck and get my toolkit.”

It only took James about twenty minutes or so to repair his sister-in-law’s garage door, but Cecilia wasn’t done with him yet. She called him into her house, mentioning she had a kitchen drawer that no longer stayed closed.

“Which one is it?” said James, as he walked into the kitchen with Cecilia. 

There wasn’t any response, and when he turned around, he realized that Cecilia was standing only a couple of inches from him. Her bright green eyes were staring up at James, who awkwardly ran his hand across his bald head. 

“Cecilia?” he asked slowly. “What’s up?”
In response, Cecilia stood on her tiptoes and pulled James down for a kiss. He didn’t know what was happening at first, so he just stood there and let her kiss him. Finally, he came to his senses and pulled away.

“What are you doing?” he said, furious. “Cecilia, I’m married. To your own sister!”
Cecilia blushed. “I know, but can you really look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have feelings for me? I’ve thought about fucking you for years, James, even when I was still married. You’re exactly the type of man I adore. You’re so big and strong. You turn me on without even trying.”

James hesitated, his eyes wandering over Cecilia’s body. His hands reached for her waist and pulled her in against him. She really was so gorgeous. Maybe no one would have to know.

He picked her up, which elicited an adorable squeal from Cecilia, and he carried her into her bedroom. He tossed Cecilia on the bed and dragged her to the edge. 

“James, fuck!” Cecilia moaned, her breath frantic and eager. 

“This has to be our secret,” growled James, yanking Cecilia’s underwear down over her legs.

“Of course, of course,” panted Cecilia, looking down in awe as James began to eat her pussy. 

He did it in such a way that made it seem like he hadn’t eaten pussy in years. He was loud and growled against her cunt, running his whole face back and forth against her. His tongue dragged its way across the entirety of her pussy, tasting her hole before it finally landed on her clit. 

“Holy shit!” she screamed, her volume uncontrollable. This had been her longest fantasy, and now it was coming true.

Cecilia came, her pussy dripping its wetness right into James’s eager mouth. He lapped it all up as Cecilia twisted and squirmed on the bed. Her moans came out ragged and loud as her orgasm took over her body.

“Fuck, girl,” said James, standing up and licking his lips. “That was sexy.”

Cecilia was still catching her breath as James started to undress. He pulled his shirt off over his head, revealing chiseled abs and toned pecs. It wasn’t fair that her sister was married to someone so fit and hot, while she was here at this house, alone.

Cecilia eagerly turned over to her hands and knees and began to undo James’s pants. His cock was already hard against his boxer briefs, and as he slid them down his legs, he sprang out right in front of Cecilia’s face.

“Wow,” she breathed, her eyes getting big as she looked at his cock for the first time. “You’re. . . perfect.”

James smiled contentedly as his sister-in-law began to suck his cock. She made similar noises as his wife, and when her eyes flitted upwards to look at him every few moments, he couldn’t believe how much she looked like her sister in that moment. It was a strange realization that freaked James out but turned him on at the same time. 

Cecilia bobbed her head up and down James’s thick cock like she had never sucked cock before. It was a sloppy, wet blowjob, the kind where spit spilled out of the sides of her mouth and gagging sounds escaped her throat.

“Come up here,” said James, finally, ready for more. “I have to have you.”

Cecilia gasped again, an involuntary sound. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear that, James. You can have me. All of me.”

“Let’s get you out of this shirt, first of all,” growled James.

Cecilia pulled it off over her head and tossed it onto the floor with her underwear. Her breasts were slightly smaller than Erica’s, James noticed, but they were perkier. He squeezed and bounced Cecilia’s tits in his hands, watching as her nipples grew hard against his fingers.

Finally, he picked Cecilia up and tossed her onto the bed. She giggled as she flopped against the center of the mattress, her now naked body splayed out for him.  

James positioned himself in between her legs and shoved her thighs apart. He wasn’t rough with her, but fast and excited. Cecilia loved it. Her entire body felt weak and shaky.

“You ready for this cock?” asked James, lining up the head against Cecilia’s wet pussy.

She nodded quickly. “Yes, more than anything!”

He plunged inside of her, hard and fast. Cecilia let out a noise somewhere between a howl and a scream. Her mouth formed an “O” shape as James filled her up, his cock sliding in and out of the wet walls of her pussy. James realized how much different her pussy felt compared to her sister’s. Neither was better or worse necessarily, but Cecilia’s slick tunnel felt more like it was made for his cock, like two shapes designed for each other.

He grabbed onto her legs and held them up while he watched his cock disappear into her. 

“Fuck, you feel good,” he grunted, thrusting his hips against her. “You’re soaking wet.”

Cecilia giggled. “It’s thanks to you.”

James fell forward so his face was now only inches from Cecilia’s as he fucked her. There was a lingering moment between them, where they both stared at each other, realizing what they had done. It didn’t last long, however, because James brought his mouth down against hers and kissed her. It was passionate and messy, the sort of kiss Cecilia had dreamed of with her brother-in-law.

“God, I’m so close,” James moaned, looking into Cecilia’s face.

She wrapped her legs around his muscular back, which helped pull his cock deeper into her pussy. “Cum for me, then. Fill me up, James.”

“Ahhh, fuck!” James closed his eyes as his orgasm took over and made his cock twitch inside of Cecilia. His cum spewed out in a thick stream that flooded her pussy, and it seemed like it would never end.

Cecilia was smiling underneath the weight of him, listening to his sexy sounds. They were animalistic, almost primal. Finally, James had finished cumming, but he stayed inside of Cecilia for a few moments while she ran her nails up and down his spine.

“Do you promise not to tell?” mumbled James, not looking at her.

Cecilia sighed. “I promise. Do you think I want my sister to find out about this any more than you do? It will be our secret, just between me and you.”

James slid out from her pussy and lay on the bed beside his sister-in-law.

“Can you come back tomorrow and fix the garage door again?”

James frowned. “I already fixed it.”

Cecilia smiled. “Yes, but I have a feeling it’s not going to work tomorrow.”

He understood. “Oh! Of course. I will come back tomorrow and fix it for good this time.”

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  1. Peter
    June 12, 2023 om 4:15 am

    Most fuckable!!!


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