Spy on girl masturbating

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It had been a recurring event for some time, Sarah being caught by both Andrew and Kyle whilst masturbating. Things had gotten to the point that she would actively masturbate with her door open whenever they were around, moaning loud enough for them to investigate, then struggling to act embarrassed by it, when in fact she was on the absolute edge of orgasm.

Though one night, Andrew gave in to the pent-up desires Sarah had been coaxing from them.

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“That’s it! Sarah, get the fuck downstairs, now!”

Double Teamed

His stern words instantly shatter the carefree atmosphere and Sarah’s demeanor changes to somewhat sheepish. They all head downstairs together, Sarah following behind as they descend into the basement. All the while, Sarah seems somewhat scared. Seeing this, Andrew devised a quick plan, whispering into Kyle’s ear with a tactic to put her at ease with what she wants.

They nod at one another, Andrew taking the lead as he leans down and speaks to Sarah.

“Would you like to kiss me?”

Her face instantly flushes red with embarrassment, having thought about this moment many times before, but not imagining it happening so abruptly. Despite her hesitation, she nods at him, looking up to meet his gaze as she gasps, her lips suddenly pressed against his.

All the while, Kyle took a position kneeling beside her, gently caressing her body as she grinding against his touch, eager for more. After a few moments of making out, Andrew breaks the kiss to speak again.

“Would you also like Kyle to use his tongue on your pussy Sarah?”

It’s as if he’s trying to embarrass her. Though there’s no denying what she wants, and whilst screwing her eyes shut, she eagerly nods yes, giving their plan the go-ahead. Kyle gently strips the girl’s outfit down, removing her panties to give him access to her wet pussy, seeing it glisten in the dim lighting of the room. As Andrew embraces her in another deep kiss, Kyle leans in between her legs, running his tongue across Sarah’s pussy, feeling her grind against it as she’s pleasured from both ends.

Kyle feels Sarah’s legs become shaky, and positions himself so she can support herself on his shoulders as he eats her out, grinding against his tongue gently as Andrew’s kiss becomes rougher. Before long, the two of them had increased their pace significantly, leaving the young girl panting desperately against their expert teasing, until they felt her pent-up orgasm nearing.

They make sure to bring it on slowly, gradually building her up rather than push it on her, feeling her own pace increase and letting her go at her own speed until all of a sudden, her lithe body tenses up, trembling in their embrace as she squeals into Andrew’s mouth. Her moans are stifled by his lips, still holding her in place as her orgasm crashes over her, Kyle tasting her pussy as it quiverings against his tongue.

It only lasted a few seconds, but was the first of many, the one that gave way to Sarah’s inner-desires and melted away any doubts she had. Finally able to give in to her lust, Kyle pulls back, and Sarah extends her arms around Andrew’s neck.

Andrew grabbed the girl’s thighs and lifted her into the air, their eyes meeting as she tried to hide her sudden embarrassment at being so close to him. He doesn’t allow that, instead craning her head back up to meet his gaze again, keeping their eyes locked as he slowly lowers her wet, virgin pussy down onto his thick cock. 

As soon as Sarah feels his tip pressing against her hole, she offers no resistance or hesitation, instead she readily grinds against it, enticing him further. Andrew replies in kind, lowering her down for his tip to roughly press inside of her, breaking her in for the first time. That was just the start, her pussy now belonging to him for now, he let go of her thighs for a second, letting her entire body weight drop her onto his cock, spearing herself painfully onto him.

“Fffuck!! Harder!”

Andrew is surprised at what he hears, the young girl enjoying the pained pleasure, and even asking for more? Without thinking twice, he begins thrusting into her, pounding into her once-virgin pussy as each thrust pushes further inside, ruining her maidenhood for anyone else, and claiming it for himself.

In only a few thrust, Andrew had broken Sarah in completely, now free to use her without worry of any unnecessary pain, she had readily taken his cock with relative ease. Whilst Andrew was increasing his pace, Sarah was having issues clinging to her sanity. Every fantasy and night spent touching herself to the thought of these men were flooding back into her mind, urging her onwards to her first real orgasm with a man.

Andrew was ready to claim it, increasing his pace even more as he fucked her like a fleshlight, pounding his dick hard enough inside of her that Sarah could no longer do anything but babble nonsense, her mind friend on pleasure. Suddenly her spasming turned to thrashing, as her orgasm overtook her, a mind-numbing amount of pleasure overwhelming her body.

All the while, Andrew had grown close as well, squeezing her ass in his hands as he tenses up inside of her spasming cunt, shooting his cum into her. Sarah feels his milk fill her up, sending her over the edge of orgasm before her first even finishes, forcing her to cling to Andrew’s body to stop herself from collapsing into a wet heap.

“Milk… I-inside of me…”

Sarah idly speaks to herself, dripping onto the floor as Andrew slowly lowers here to her knees, giving her time to recover. She looks up at the two of them expectantly, still basking in the afterglow of her intense pleasure, but eager for more. Almost on instinct, Sarah blurst out.

“I want to suck your cocks!”

Her sudden outburst catches the two off guard, though they quickly regain themselves and look to one another, silently assessing which of them will go first. Since it’s his house, Andrew steps forward, cock in hand as Sarah stares, entranced as he strokes it.

She could practically feel her heart beating in her chest as she slowly craned her head closer to take her first taste, the smell of his cock filling her with lust as she finally felt his wet tip slap against her tongue.

Instantly she was lost to the instinct to shove him as far down her throat as she could, though unsuccessfully as she underestimates how difficult it really is to take something this thick down your throat. Despite her previous fantasies of being throatfucked so roughly, she quickly realizes just how much she needed to learn before she got to that point.

With the two men still standing there, one of them staring at her expectantly, she swallows her pride and stays knelt, but speaks in a polite tone.

“Please use my throat to pump your milk into.”

Sarah says it so nonchalantly, as if it really was her true purpose to perform this duty. After speaking those words, she parts her lips and lets her tongue hang out, acting as if she was some sext toy waiting to be used. Not wanting to turn up the offer, Andrew grabs a fistful of her hair and slowly pushes his cock past her lips. He gets about halfway down before she begins to struggle and sputter around his length, each time he would pull back and allow her a chance to breathe, going a bit deeper each time as she slowly adjusts.

“I’m going to fuck your throat now, okay?”

He waits there, his tip dripping precum across her tongue as she nods eagerly, then opens her throat as much as she can. In a single thrust, Andrew suddenly forces every inch down into her gullet, Sarah’s eyes widening in shock of the sensation, as well as the pride in having finally done it. Her entire body quakes with a sudden arousal, as if rewarding her for her efforts, though she wasn’t finished yet.

Now that she could get her throat fucked, it was time for it to actually happen, Andrew tightened his grip once again before pulling back, letting her taste his tip once again before slamming it back down her tight throat. This new rhythm is heard throughout the room as the wet slurping echoes against the walls, as well as within Sarah’s mind. As she services his shaft, she can’t help from reaching between her legs and teasing her pussy with her fingers, her pussy aching for attention.

Seeing this, Andrew only smirks in response, quickening his pace as he feels his own orgasm nearing, having spent quite a while training her before now. As Sarah tries to moan around his shaft, she fumbles and gags around his shaft, tightening her throat around him unintentionally, but much to his delight, Andrew suddenly tenses up and his thick cock begins twitching in her throat,  stretching it in anticipation of his own orgasm. Before she could prepare herself, Sarah was swallowing down Andrew’s load, most of it being shot directly down her throat, but a few ropes splatter across her tongue for her to swallow eagerly.

Despite her slight fumble, Andrew seemed rather pleased with her performance, giving her a reassuring pat on the head, Sarah subconsciously nuzzling against his rough hand as she continued gently teasing herself. His hand is pulled away, leaving Sarah feeling empty for a moment, but is quickly replaced as Kyle takes his step forward, taking a firm grip at Sarah's hair before shoving his cock down her throat in a single thrust, forcing her lips against his crotch for her to kiss his balls.

"That's a good girl, now hold it there for me."

His voice is as rough as his hands, guiding her to hold herself in place. Thinking of how to please him, Sarah decides to intentionally squeeze her throat around his dick, swallowing around him in an effort to milk his cock of everything building up in his heavy balls.

She made sure to stick out her tongue as she swallowed, running it across his balls to urge more milk down her throat when he eventually cums into her mouth. Sarah tries her best to continuously tighten her throat around him, begging him with her mouth to fill her stomach with his milk, and by the sudden twitching in her throat, it may have actually worked. Sarah quickens the pace of her fingers in her cunt, suddenly screaming out around him as he explodes in her mouth, pumping his thick load directly down her throat as she cums from the taste.

The two are locked together for a moment, not wanting to pull back from the earth-shattering orgasm they’re both subjecting themselves to, completely lost to a sea of ecstasy as Kyle tries to thrust his cock even further down her throat, but simply grinds his cock against her throat instead, the last few drops of his cum milked by her swallowing. After a few moments, Kyle pulls back, a loud pop is heard as the suction around his tip is broken, Sarah suddenly gasping for air.

Between her lack of air and the afterglow of her orgasm, Sarah was left a wet mess on the floor, writhing as residual shocks of pleasure course through her petite frame.

“Remember this next time you want to leave your door open, slut!”

Sarah smiles faintly, fully intending to do so again, which both of the men were likely also looking forward to.

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