MILF gets a black cock

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My head still dizzy, I looked around in confusion, trying to figure out where I was, until I saw him

It was Maison, the man who had been vying for my attention all this time, but I never felt anything towards him, so decided to keep him at arms-length. There was an attraction, sure. After all, I’ve always had a small fantasy of being taken by a black man… but he never seemed the type to take any initiative, I needed a real dom to fuck me…

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Though there was something different about Maison, his gaze at me was stern, making my heart race as he looked down at me. Something was different, and I liked it. He gazed down at my curvy body, a hungry look that I had always imagined before, but never experienced…

“This is where I’m going to make you my bitch!

I barely reacted, still confused as to what was going on, my body still half-asleep. Then, in a calm motion, Maison reached down and took a greedy handful of my ass, raising me into the air. I can’t help from eagerly wrapping my legs around his waist, and I was barely allowed a few moments before he impaled me with his thick cock.

“Oh… fuck…

I couldn’t stop myself from letting my own surprise out, feeling myself bouncing against his crotch brutally. My whimpers and moans sounded somewhat pained as my pussy was forcefully stretched to accommodate his throbbing cock. Though the sound soon changed to that of a wet smacking, my juices dripped down his shaft as my voice began to crack, my body trembling madly in his grasp as I came violently on his cock. All the while, Maison effortlessly pounds into me, almost as if I were a fleshlight for his black cock.

Just as I was falling into the rhythm of his thrusts, Maison suddenly let go of me, hearing my disappointed whimper as I suddenly felt empty. I then felt an intense throb of pleasure across my body, feeling Maison bend me forward, facing away from him as he took a fistful of my hair and started fucking me ruthlessly.

I honestly couldn’t tell how long I was lost in his grasp, feeling myself quake as I succumbed to his thick, veiny cock. My eyes rolled into the back of my head from the sheer amount of pleasure. Orgasm after orgasm wracked my mind, every once in a while Maison would bottom out inside of me, grunting as he came inside of my quivering hole, filling me. My tongue lolled out of my mouth as I moaned, and I couldn’t help but feel like a toy to be used by him, feeling how much I enjoyed the sensation.

I felt Maison take me, fucking me harder by each minute, making me his bitch, his hole to use and abuse whenever he saw fit, and how I felt grateful for it.

My frantic moaning snapped me back to reality, feeling Maison reach forward, sticking two of his fingers in my mouth and keeping my lips parted. I looked well a truly fucked stupid, a broken mess of who I likely used to be, nothing behind my glazed-over eyes except the urge to serve…

As I was imagining how he would use my broken body in a myriad of different ways, my mind starts to fade away, my moans becoming the only thing I can focus on, the faint feeling of Maison spinning me around and pushing, forcing me to my knees. I then feel my throat stretched, moaning as it was fucked by his thick cock, and instinctively, my hand frantically began fucking his load deeper inside of my pussy.

I lost myself to his pleasure, it had somehow ignited a fire within me, the burning urge to submit. All of a sudden, Maison let go of me, allowing me to fall backwards, coughing as I spattered for air.

He allowed me a few moments to recover, but I could tell he still wanted more. Once he saw I was better, he barely said a word before he grabbed me by the throat and forced his lips against mine, giving way to both of our passions once again. Breaking away just for a moment, Maison growls seductively into my ear, feeling my body tremble as he speaks.

“You belong to me now, and I’m going to claim your tight cunt with my cum~!”

There was nothing left in my mind but the feeling of belonging to him, looking over at him with an absent look on my face as he stiffened up again. All the while, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the animalistic look on his face, feeling like his prey, vulnerable and in danger.

I held onto that feeling as he finally let go of my throat, letting me drop to the floor in a heap. I couldn’t stop myself from doing what I did next, the arousal I felt was something I never felt before, and I had no will to stop myself from desperately fingering myself on the floor beneath him. Smirking down at what I had become, Maison begins walking further down the hallway, hearing my panting moans as I crawl after him obediently.

Standing further in, he waits for me, watching as I alternate between fingering myself and crawling closer, like a bitch in heat. Once I finally made it to him, I crawled closer, hearing Maison’s footsteps behind me as the only warning of what he was about to do.

Without a word down to me, he placed a hand on my back, causing my face to press against the floor as he aligned his thick black cock with my glistening pussy.

“W-w… please… fuck me~!”

Initially, about to object to his actions, I felt an intense throb across my body, overtaking my mind and changing my words, leaving nothing but a compliant hole. I showed just how far I had fallen as I wiggled my hips enticingly for him, smearing his tip with my juices. Anticipating his cock stretching my hole at any moment, I find myself waiting as he leans over to speak again.

Squeal for me!”

With his taunt hanging in the air, he thrusts forward, his cock impaling my body in a single motion, leaving me struggling to breathe. It was everything I could have imagined, my body having been used so much up until this point, I found myself caving to it, cumming from the sensation of his thick cock invading my hole. My body trembled as I silently came, unable to speak from the sudden rush, but he clearly wasn’t planning on waiting for me.

While I still spasmed, Maison reached forward and grabbed a fistful of my hair, clutching it tightly as if I was a toy, then began brutally pounding my pussy. Each time I felt him bottom out, my breath escaped my body in the form of a whorish moan, filling the room with my lust as he continued to force his cock inside of me.

My sweet, lust-filled whimpers only urged Maison on to be rougher, wanting to force more of those from my lips as I dripped onto the bedroom floor. Still having only been fucking me for a few moments, I felt my heart race with arousal, the initial spasms giving way to what was coming again.


That’s all I could muster, the rest of my words descending into incoherent babbling as I writhed beneath him, cumming away what little of my mind was left. Apparently wanting to keep his rhythm, Maison pressed down against my back again, holding me in place as I came, stifling my spasms to maintain his own pleasure.

There I felt it, the sense that he was using me as if I was a toy, designed entirely to bring him pleasure, a fleshlight for him to fuck on a whim, and I loved it. My mouth hung open, my tongue lolling from my lips as whimpers, moans and squeals freely passed my lips, completely lost to the sensation of being his object of relief. Every thrust was more intense than the last, whilst hazed over in arousal, I could still tell he was getting closer.

That feeling of his cock tensing up, stretching my pussy out even more, pressing against my G-spot, slamming against it in an effort to snap my mind in half. Maison picked up his pace even more, frantically pounding into me with little care for my own comfort, already making a mess between my thighs.

It was too much for either of us. I began squealing desperately from my place on the floor, the well-fucked look on my face emphasizing my whorish moans for more. My body completely gave in, sent over the edge, I felt my pussy squirting across the floor beneath me, cumming so intensely that my vision darkens, on the brink of passing out.

At the same time, Maison felt his own arousal reaching its peak, his thick, hot load erupting from his tip and painting the inside of my pussy. He slams into me one final time, his entire cock tensing up with each surge of cum that flows from his shaft, filling me.

The feeling of having been used by him was incredible, I had craved this for so long that it felt as if my life couldn’t get any better. We both stayed there for a moment, his flow of cum having come to a halt, and a sad whimper escaping my lips as he pulled back one final time, leaving me feeling empty. I couldn’t do anything to stop him, instead, feeling the idle spasms of my body continue as I rode out the residual pleasure, feeling his cum still inside of me.

With my fantasy fulfilled, I blankly stared up at the ceiling, watching as my vision was turned around, Maison picking me up from the floor and walking with me in his arms. I felt his blissful touch for only a few moments, suddenly plummeting onto a soft cushion. He had taken me to a make-shift bedroom, a soft mat to break my fall, and while I still couldn’t control my body. I was effectively used as a sex toy, turned around and pulled me onto my knees, feeling him press my face against the warm rug.

“You thought I was done? That’s cute.”

He started again, thrusting forward and pressing his entire cock inside of me in a single motion, tensing it in my pussy for a few moments before pounding me once again. The room quickly filled with the rhythmic slapping of his hips against my ass, accompanied by my sheepish moans, my eyes having long-since lost focus. My orgasms had blended together to the point of feeling as if I was in an endless cycle of orgasmic bliss, feeling his warm load fill me up between his rough fucking. Lost in pleasure, I felt my mind blank, the last of my thoughts drifting away as I succumbed completely, passing out.

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