Dicked down by thick cock

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Harry was a broken boy, and perhaps that's why she was attracted to him. The half lidded eyes every morning, the subtle attempts at trying to remain awake during class, the awkward way in which he moved his body, indicating a soreness that no 18 year old should experience, attracted her. She always cared for him, perhaps because of all that, she was his teacher. 

And so, it came as no surprise to her when she asked him to stay after school one day. He'd tried to decline, citing the fact that he had to work in a few hours, but after she insisted, he agreed and came back after school.

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Having him in front of her and all of the judgmental eyes of her other students and all other teachers gone, she felt the cage of societal norms break. Without warning, she pulled him in for a kiss, her small stature requiring her to stand on tippy toes.

To her surprise, he didn't pull back, rather, he wrapped a muscular arm around her waist and squeezed her petite body against his. She couldn't help the purr of approval that escaped her. Every single neuron in her brain was screaming at her that this was wrong, that this was her student, and despite the fact that he was of age, it still didn't make it right.

But as his tongue dominated over hers, any moral fight that had been taking place died. She moaned into his mouth, running her hands over his chest, feeling every fibre of muscle flex. This man was in desperate need of some de-stressing, and her body was going to be the one to provide it.

She interrupted the kiss and grabbed his hand, leading him to the back of her classroom where she had a couch for her students to sit at and read when they were done with their work. She sat next to him, kissing him while her hands slowly travelled down to his pants. Hearing him groan in approval was all that she needed to hear. She unzipped his pants and reached inside.

Her hand grasped about, trying to find his cock, only to touch upon his leg. She frowned, where was it? It wasn't until she felt his leg pulse that she realised that his leg wasn't a leg at all, it was his cock.

Holy fuck.

He smirked and pulled his pants all the way down, revealing to her his cock. He had worn no underwear, and as his cock came into view, she understood why. There was no point in wearing underwear. It was meant to conceal, and there was far too much cock flesh to be concealed. Hell, there was too much cock for her to truly comprehend. It seemed that her pussy, however, comprehended perfectly well. It gushed out her juices in a mini orgasm.

She bit her lip and tried gripping his cock, but her hand wasn't big enough to encircle the thick diameter of it. The weight of it was nearly too much for her to try and lift. It didn't matter, however, and she knew it. She needed to be fucked by this monster of a dick. She had grown to love this man, regardless of his bitch breaking tool.

She shifted from her spot on the couch till she was face to face with the head of his cock. From this position she could see his nuts. God, they were so fucking huge. Each bigger than her hand, in fact. From that position she could also smell his cock. Another gush of juices ran down her leg.

And so she did. She stuck out her tongue and ran it up and down the side of his cock. The taste on her tongue was a mixture of sweat and piss. It was like his cock was a musk flavoured popsicle. She loved it.

She ran her tongue up and down and around his cock. She placed kisses on his inner thigh, trailing them upwards until her face was nuzzled between his cock and balls. His musk and taste were the strongest here. She slurped as much as she could, making sure to coat the top of his nuts in a lot of saliva. He was hers, his cock belonged to her only.

He moaned as she shifted her attention to the head of his cock, furiously sucking and slurping along his glans. Eventually, though, he placed his hand on her head, wrapping her hair around his hand affectionately. They made eye contact, the message passing between them. She took a deep breath and enveloped his cock in her mouth.

Her jaw ached from having to open up so widely. Her tongue was pressed firmly to the bottom of her mouth, unable to move. It felt like her mouth was on fire from the heat radiating off of his bitch breaker. None of this stopped her, however. She was one determined bitch, and she would satisfy her lover.

She pushed herself further down on his cock, trying to ignore the pain that presented itself in her neck when his arm wide cock entered her throat. The lack of oxygen was beginning to get to her, but she drowned the burning by plunging deeper, his cock stretching out her throat painfully.

From the outside, it looked like she had swallowed a boa constrictor, her neck was red and wide. There was no way that she was breathing. She simply ignored all of it and kept going. She wasn't even halfway through his cock. There was an entire arm's length left to take.

He, however, only stared at her in concern. Based on his groaning, he was enjoying himself, but she looked like she was going to pass out. So, without her consent, he began pulling out, still hard.

Without missing a beat, he scooped her up, her yoga ball sized stomach no problem for him. He placed her on the couch and removed her clothes from her. Her blouse had already ripped a long time ago, leaving him to remove her bra, pants, and panties. Thanks to gravity, her belly pressed on her, restricting her airflow but not stopping it.

He lined up his cock with her dripping pussy. The head of his cock was far too huge for her tiny slit but he was going to get it inside of her no matter what. And so he began pressing into her.

Her pussy gave no way for him, but nevertheless she came. Her entire body was in a state of constant pleasure. Anything could set her off. And so when he finally managed to stretch her pussy around his head, she came once again.

He groaned in pleasure as he slowly made progress. Her pussy was fucking tight. He could feel it spasming around him, trying to pull him in. She was salivating from her mouth, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

He had just pierced through her cervix and entered her womb, causing her to yell in pain and pleasure. He, however, took no pause. He was a man on a mission now, and he would not be stopped by anything.

He was going to claim her as his. He was going to ruin her for anyone else. He was doing a mighty fine job as his cock pushed against the back of her womb. With a little over an arm's length left outside, he growled, grabbed ahold of her legs, and pulled her down on him.

The effect was instant, her half lidded eyes snapped wide open, her mouth stuck in a silent scream as yet another orgasm ripped through her body. His cock pushed her womb upwards, pressing against her stomach. He could feel the glue-like substance through her womb, and she could feel it rising in her throat.

As his cock destroyed her insides, she could feel herself cumming over and over. She'd have to drink gallons of water once they were done to replenish all of her fluids. Unless, of course, she digested all of his cum and had that running through her veins.

Eventually, he began speeding up and his thrusts became harder, more animalistic and losing all sense of rhythm. His nuts pounded loudly against her ass, leaving her cheeks red and bruised. She knew what was about to happen. She lifted her head just enough to see his muscles flex, veins bulging across his chest, arms, and neck. He buried himself deep inside of her and leaned forward, pressing on her bloated stomach. He brought his mouth to her neck and bit hard. They both yelled as their orgasm crashed into them simultaneously.

Eventually he pulled out of her, his cum flooding out of her until her pussy closed back up tightly. He put back on his pants and snatched his phone from his pocket. He took one glance at the screen then back at her. He had to go to work. She understood, though, and gave him a grateful smile. Before leaving, he cupped her face and placed a gentle yet long kiss on her lips. He reciprocated her feelings. He gathered his backpack and left, leaving her to bask alone with her inflated womb and stomach.

He was her student, but more importantly, he was her man.

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