My pussy licking story

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This was the final straw, seriously this time. It’s not much to ask, just to have Sam dust the place whilst she worked on cleaning the rest of it, but instead she seemed it to be more appropriate to dither around and completely disregard her simple request. Lisa’s hands balled into fists until her knuckles turned white, her face had gone red with rage before she let out a calm breath, resolving herself for a little payback. With a stone-faced smile, she walks into Sam’s room to find her idly reading a comic on her bed, barely noticing as she walks in. She does notice however, when Lisa practically jumps on top of her, wrestling with her wrists as Sam darts her eyes around frantically at what was going on.

Before she knew it, Lisa had beaten her in the struggle, having secured one of her wrists to the bed frame, she was already a captive as she roughly grabbed at her other hand, pinning it to the other side of her head.

Licking, fucking and sucking

“Awh, Sam… I’m sorry that you’re tired after reading comics all day. It’s okay though, I’ll take care of you~”

She emphasizes her sarcastic tone with a harsh slap to the face, leaving Sam reeling as Lisa’s red handprint brightens on her cheek.

“What the fuck are you doing?! Untie me and get out of my r-!!”

Another loud slap echoes in Sam’s room as Lisa roughly slaps her cheek once again, silencing any protests from her lips as she was left to recoil in shock. Lisa leans forward across Sam’s chest, letting her face come closer enough that there’s nowhere else to look but directly into her eyes.

“And leave my best friend all alone? I wouldn’t do that!”

With an evil grin on her face, Lisa ignores Sam’s thrashing as she pulls up her shirt, exposing her chest to the open air, revealing her bra to her, the clasp staring at her from the front.

“I’d rather see her squealing like a little bitch!”

And with that, she hooks a finger around the clasp, undoing it in a swift motion, letting Sam’s breasts free of her bra, the cold air against her skin. Before she gets a chance to audibly chastise her, Lisa lurches forward, squeezing Sam’s bare tits in her hands, twisting at her nipples roughly to listen to her squeals just as she promised.

“I’m sick and fucking tired of you freeloading around this house! You’re going to start giving a little payback, and you can start with showing a little humility!

She twists harder, watching Sam writhe beneath her as she straddles her chest, holding her in place during her little torture session. It’s clear by her pained whimpers turning into lust-filled squeals that she was taking some sick, perverted enjoyment from this.

Even as Lisa treated her even rougher, remembering all of the nights she had spent up late fixing the shortcomings that Sam had around the house, she continued twitching beneath her in an obvious fit of pleasure.

“Are you really getting off to this, Sam?”

Sam bites down on her lip, stifling her thoughts for a moment to respond.

No! You’re going way too far, Lisa. Get off of me!”

Lisa only continues her rough treatment of her little captive, listening to her stifled squeals come out again, unfiltered moans of pleasure from someone who seems so reluctant.

“Stop! This is too much, Lisa, please… let me go!”

After hearing those words, Lisa couldn’t help but let a sadistic grin spread across her face, looking down at Sam, there was only one response on the tip of her tongue.

“Do you really think after all you’ve done that I’m not going to take everything I can from you right now? You think I give a fuck about how you feel about this?”

After practically spitting those words down at her, Lisa nestles her way closer to Sam’s face, rubbing her cheek up against hers as she whispers into her ear.

“That’s so cute of you, Sammy~ But I’m afraid whether you want it or not, you’re going to get it.”

With that finally said, Sam slumps back against the headboard in defeat, watching as her friend devolves into a lecherous beast, tearing away at her shirt, utterly destroying it as she tosses the remaining shreds onto the floor.

“I can add that to the things you need to clean up once you’re a little more… obedient…”

“I would rate 10/10. Took me less than and hour to chat with the first woman and plan a meeting. I think the site overall is intended for older people and mature women seem to be very active. But can also find some younger girls.”

– Edward T.

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As Sam stays rather limp, almost acceptant of the rough treatment of her body, Lisa doesn’t let up. She eagerly dives back to teasing her tits, only this time sating her desires with her mouth, taking her nipples between her lips, sucking on them gently as she flicks across them with her tongue, feeling Sam’s body twitch beneath her with her relentless teasing.  The sweet sound of Sam beginning to cry to herself as her best friend takes pleasure from using her like this was too sweet, urging Lisa on even more. Before long had passed, Sam was openly sobbing as Lisa continued sucking on her tits, even going so far as to try to thrash her off of her body, frantically trying to avoid the shameful pleasure she was forced to feel under the circumstances.

This doesn’t do anything to deter Lisa, instead only encouraging her to continue, even treating her rougher as she enjoyed the discomfort she was causing her, after all, she deserved it.

Though soon the tune becomes sour, and her begging begins to seem boring to her, even annoying as she tries to continue gaining pleasure for torturing her. Instead, she decides to move on to what she wants next, and lets Sam’s tit pop free from her mouth, strands of spit still connecting the two as she pulls back and kneels next to her, smiling down sweetly at her friend.

“Fair warning, it doesn’t matter if you’re okay with this or not, but you’re going to cum for me now, okay?”

The question didn’t need an answer, as before Sam could even process what she was suggesting, Lisa had started unbuttoning her jeans. With her jeans pulled open, Lisa has full reign to slowly slide her hand down Sam’s panties, gliding across her wet pussy before looking down at her face smugly.

“Looks like you’ve gotten wet! Sam, you’re not enjoying this, are you?”

Her evil smile was sending shivers down her spine, as well as her fingers currently teasing between her legs. Sam was quickly overwhelmed with sensations, thoughts swirling in her head as she can see her own nipples harden.

Lisa seems to have noticed this, and reaches across with her free hand to tease her, twisting Sam’s nipple as she begins squirming desperately beneath her. Even Lisa’s breath has begun to quicken at the sight of her friend getting closer to her own orgasm, tortured sexually for her shortcomings that had boiled up to this point, it’s her own fault for making her do this!

She tries to justify it in her head, telling herself that she wouldn't have to have done this if she only listened to her for once instead of being a bitch! All she had to do was behave and do her chores, listen to her once in a while and treat her with a little respect!

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With each additional thought, Lisa’s treatment of Sam became rougher, until she was practically spasming on the bed, writhing in her own sheets as her best friend violently fingered her beneath her jeans, slamming her fingers inside of her without a care. Soon Sam’s orgasm began washing over her, and her body quaked, trembling involuntarily as she screamed through her pursed lips, trying to stifle anything, but ending up looking silly as Lisa sat there looking on, seeing her desperate attempts to hold on to what little pride she had left.

It’s an amazing feeling, having her best friend’s pussy clench down around her fingers, her hips thrusting into the air in a desperate bid to grind against her hand, eager for more.

“Well someone’s a desperate little slut~ Would you like more, Sammy?”

As Lisa moves to pull down her jeans, Sam can do little but babble senselessly in a messy heap on her bed, struggling with the orgasmic bliss forced onto her, lost in a frazzled mind-set she had been forced into at the hands of someone she trusted.

Nevertheless, she had been taking advantage of her, and Lisa had finally had enough. This was well-deserved in Lisa’s mind, and with each passing moment under her control, Sam began to believe the same thing. Lisa discarded Sam’s jeans on the floor by the bed, tossing them to the side as she paid closer attention to the growing stain at the front of her panties, an obvious sign of her arousal. She can’t help but lean forward, taking in a deep breath as she savors the scent of her friend, trembling and wet in front of her, staining her cloth panties in her own hands. After admiring her handiwork, Lisa takes a greedy lick of her panties, tasting how desperate she had become, listening to Sam’s moans as she pushed her tongue harder against her pussy, letting her grind against it for a moment before pulling away.

“You see, Sam, deep down you deserve this.”

To emphasize her point, she clasps her hand around her pussy, stroking Sam gently as her words ring true in her ears.

“This is proof enough that you know you deserved to be raped, so be glad your friend is the one doing it~!”

After straightening herself out, Lisa reaches to one of the bedside drawers, diving her hand in for a moment before pulling out a vibrator she knew was hidden away. Giving it a check, it definitely worked as well. She toyed with it in her hand for a moment, before pushing it roughly against the damp spot in Sam’s panties, grinding it there before switching it on. In the very second that vibrator springs to life, Sam could feel her mind wiped of all important information, any thoughts or ideas had gone, and were replaced with the desperate need to grind against this thing!

Stifling her moans slightly, she continued grinding idly against the toy in Lisa’s hands. It’s a desperate struggle to gain pleasure as she’s practically held hostage by it, but she throws herself into that pit readily, already far enough to not be able to crawl back out. Each time she caught a glimpse of Lisa’s smug face looking down at her, there was an unavoidable wave of humiliation that washed over her, realizing the position she had been forced into for what it was, and trying to hide herself.

Unfortunately for her, there was no hiding from what was going on, instead, Lisa only grew more impatient at her unwillingness to finally give in to that final hurdle, surrendering herself to the pleasure she was trying to bring down onto her. With a smirk, Lisa finally decides to push her further, setting the vibrator to maximum before plunging it inside of Sam’s twitching pussy, pushing past her panties entirely as she fucks her deep with her own toy, watching as Sam’s body convulses.

“That’s better! Now do your best to cum all over it please~ I want to see you dribbling!”

It takes no less than a few moments with it jammed inside of her before Sam’s body violently caves in on itself in absolute bliss, giving in to whatever facade she was holding onto, and instead screaming out to the ceiling as she drenched her own sheets.

It’s an amazing sight, and Lisa couldn’t help but take pride in it, feeling the need to slide down her own panties in response, watching as Sam struggled to breathe, half-broken in her own bed. In her vulnerable state, she abuses her circumstances by quickly smothering her face before she has a chance to scream, muffling her moans with her thighs as she rides her face, forcing Sam to pleasure her pussy with her frantic moaning.

After having her toyed with for so long, Lisa was very pent up, and quickly began twitching on top of Sam, her thighs trembling as she began cumming on her face, gripping onto her hair as Sam squealed into her pussy, only stimulating her further through her mind-melting orgasm.

Lisa slumps back for a moment, simply taking in her breath after such an intense riding session, looking down at Sam’s face, dripping with her own juices as she also struggles and gasps, still bound to the bed. With an inner desire that is still yet to be sated, Lisa crawls between Sam’s legs, ripping her panties off and tossing them to the ground. She finally removes the vibrator from her in what Sam believes is a moment of mercy, but the toy is quickly replaced with Lisa’s own tongue. She easily elicits moans and squeals from her quivering lips, holding onto her thighs as she spasms in her grip. Once she becomes more obedient, Lisa reaches up to once again tease her tits, twisting them so hard she’s afraid she might actually hurt her.

In the end, Sam has little chance to resist the sheer overwhelming amount of overstimulation, and her poor pussy once again clamps down, this time around Lisa’s tongue, as she cums violently for her. As her spasms die down, Sam looks between her legs dreamily, expecting to see Lisa’s face still there, but instead spies her holding something in her hand, a devilish smile across her face.

After a second, Sam’s eyes widen in sudden lucidity as she realizes what it is in her hand. After failing to clean the place, the act that caused this entire ordeal, she was about to get fucked by the handle of the duster she was supposed to use!

Sam can barely watch, choosing to screw her eyes shut in defiance, biting onto her lip and expecting the worse. It wasn’t enough, as she suddenly felt her pussy stretched by the handle of the duster, her eyes snapped open and a pained scream broke from her lips.

“That’s it, Sam. If you can’t be bothered to clean with it, I’ll make you fucking cum on it!”

She quickens her pace, pistoning the handle in and out of her, savoring the sight of Sam struggling against the handle, trying to crawl away to no avail, still securely tied to the bed. After a while of Lisa mercilessly pounding her cunt with the handle, Sam finally tenses up, squirting her juices across it in a painfully humiliating orgasm that she wished she never had.

Lisa doesn’t stop, continuing to overstimulate her pussy until Sam clenched down on it again, her entire body convulsing on the bed as what little of her mind that was left was shattered to pieces. She never stopped smiling, either of them. Lisa had an evil, sadistic grin on her face as she discarded the duster, crawling up to Sam’s face as she planned to smother her again, and Sam, smiling back stupidly, her brain completely fried on pleasure until she had a chance to recover.

Until then, Lisa smiled down as she lowered herself onto Sam’s lips, a long night in store for her as she planned to let out every drop of frustration over the last few years, and there was a lot to go. Sam’s face disappeared between her thighs, and Lisa began the hours of pussy-licking in store for poor Sam, her new place in the house finally sorted.

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