The most perfect pussy

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Leah opened the door and had to squint against the July afternoon sun. She held her hand up to her forehead, shielding her eyes.

“Mark?” she asked, eyeing the older man up and down. “My dad’s not here, if that’s what you’re here for.”

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Mark cleared his throat and ran his hand sheepishly over his bald head. “Leah, I’m actually. . . I’m not here for your dad. Can I come in?”

Leah swallowed hard. What could this man who was 30 years older than her want with Leah? She opened the door for him, though, ushering him inside.

“Ah, it feels good in here,” he said, sighing with relief from the air conditioning. 

Leah crossed her arms over her chest. She was in a thin pajama set, just a tank top and short boxers. “So what do you need?”

Mark turned to her. “Leah, I’ve always. . . well, I’ve always had feelings for you. And I know that’s wrong!” He spoke louder as he saw the expression on Leah’s face. “You’re only nineteen, you’re my best friend’s daughter. . .” he trailed off. “But I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you how I felt about you, at least just once.”

Leah took a step closer to where Mark stood in the center of the room. She reached out for just a second, hesitating, but then quickly acted — she pulled at the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer to her. Their lips met for that first kiss, which quickly became a long, passionate make-out session. 

Mark’s hands ran up and down the curve of Leah’s back and along her hips. He had been wanting to touch her for months now, ever since she had come home for spring break. Now here she was, seemingly reciprocating his feelings.

“We should go up to my room,” said Leah breathlessly, pulling her face away. Her lips were shiny and swollen from the kissing. “We’ve got a couple of hours. Dad isn’t going to be back until later.”

Mark smiled, his eyes heavy with lust. “Great.”

He followed Leah up to her room, unable to resist checking out her cute ass as he went. The curves of her ass cheeks peeked out from the bottom of her shorts.

“I can feel you looking at my butt, you know!” she said loudly, snorting as she let out a laugh.

Mark clicked his tongue. “Damn it.”

When they were in Leah’s room, it only took Mark a second to lunge for her, pulling her petite body in against him as they kissed. He reached down to pull her tank top off over her head, revealing her small, perky breasts. 

“God, your body is amazing,” Mark sighed, his palms cupping Leah’s tits. He squeezed them together, kneading them with his hands. 

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Leah said disbelievingly, her brown eyes wide as they looked up at Mark. 

“Is it okay?”

Leah nodded slowly. “Definitely.”

They moved to the bed, and Mark reached down for the waistband of Leah’s boxer shorts, sliding them off of her. She wasn’t wearing any panties, so she lay naked in front of him. He sat back and admired her for a moment – the soft paleness of her body, the gentle slopes of her skin. 

“Fuck, you are gorgeous,” Mark moaned, sliding down to leave a trail of kisses over her skin. He started at her breasts, letting his tongue snake around her pink nipples, before moving down to her belly. 

Leah’s breathing got faster the closer he got to her pussy, her body anticipating his next move. When his hands pushed her legs apart, Mark brought his face to her warm, wet center, breathing her in. He pressed one finger against her sensitive entrance, finding it already slightly wet. Had she really been that turned on by him? 

“The most perfect pussy,” muttered Mark, so low that Leah could barely hear him. 

He worked his tongue across her clit, and Leah involuntarily jerked. Her body tensed up at the intense feelings of pleasure surging through her, like jolts of electricity. Mark knew, somehow, exactly how to please her. He knew just how to get her going.

Leah allowed her body to relax, getting into the moment now. She had never cum from oral before. In fact, no man had ever made her cum. The guys she had hooked up with at college weren’t exactly the most incredible lovers.

“Oh, fuck,” she breathed, making fists in the air. “That feels. . .”

Her voice trailed into a whimper that made Mark’s cock hard. She began to cum, her body shaking and losing control in a way she never had before. Mark moaned against her clit the whole time, turned on by Leah’s noises and how her thighs shook on either side of his face.

Finally, Leah reached down to pull his face up. 

She smiled down at him. “That was so good. Like, wow.”

Mark loved hearing that. Before he could answer her, though, Leah was rolling herself onto all fours. Mark knew what she had in mind, and he stood by the bed and undressed as Leah watched with big eyes. She never thought she’d be here, watching her dad’s friend get naked in front of her. When he pulled down his boxers, his cock was already hard. 

“Fuck,” mumbled Leah, shocked at its size. 

Mark laughed quietly. “I hope that’s a good ‘fuck.’”

Leah smiled at him and lowered her mouth down onto it as she stayed on the bed on all fours. Mark shuddered at that first delicious second of Leah’s lips wrapping around the thick head of his cock. She looked so pretty as she sucked him, her brown hair cascading down her back, her cheeks pulled in.

“That feels amazing, baby,” said Mark, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. 

Leah sucked him deeper and deeper, finally getting used to his size. She wasn’t able to take him completely down to the base – even just halfway there made her gag – but her enthusiasm and the tight suction of her lips made it incredible anyway.

“Come here.” Mark pulled her face off of him. “Lay down.”

Leah’s heart was racing now. They were really about to fuck, weren’t they?

Leah got down onto her back as Mark fell between her legs. Their eyes locked onto each other’s as Leah spread her thighs apart, giving Mark access to her now-soaked pussy. 

“Are you ready?” he asked, hardly able to contain himself. 

Leah bit down on her lower lip. A smile spread across her whole face. “Yes. I want you.”

There was a breathy franticness to her voice that drove Mark crazy. He took his cock and slowly pushed it inside of her pussy, looking down to watch her lips spread out across it. 

“Fuuuuck!” Leah cried, her face twisting up into an expression Mark had never seen before. She looked beautiful, he thought, with her hair fanned out around her. The afternoon light poured through the bedroom window, casting a golden glow on her skin.

Mark pumped into her now, slowly, allowing Leah’s pussy to adjust to his thick girth. 

“You’re so tight, holy shit,” hissed Mark. “And dripping wet.”

Leah giggled. “Well, you’re to thank for that. . . you can fuck me harder if you want.”

Mark raised his eyebrows. “You got it.”

He moved her legs so that they were over his shoulders now. This new position made her pussy feel even tighter, sending his cock deeper into her hole. Mark found his rhythm, fucking Leah in hard strokes.

“I want you from behind,” he said suddenly. He had an urge to look at Leah’s ass as they fucked. He wanted to run his hands over her cute curves.

Leah was all too eager. This position was her favorite. She scrambled quickly to all fours as Mark got behind her and pushed his cock into her once more. It was easier this time, and Leah tossed her head back, letting out a long, animalistic moan.

“Holy shit!” she cried. 

Mark looked down to see her fingers digging into the blankets, her knuckles white. As he began to caress her smooth ass cheeks, Leah started moving her body back and forth, rocking her pussy against his cock. 

“Goddamn,” hissed Mark, his own thrusts meeting Leah’s movements. 

Suddenly, a car door slammed outside. Leah jerked her head and gasped.

“Shit, that’s my dad.”

“Oh, fuck,” Mark groaned, “I’m so close.”

Leah laughed nervously, but the thrill was undeniable. Mark held onto her waist and thrusted into her a few more times, before finally filling her with cum. He pulled her tightly against his cock, holding her in one place as he came. 

“Leah!” called a voice from downstairs. 

Mark pulled out just in time, giving Leah a chance to hurry and get dressed, her boxers quickly becoming saturated with his cum. 

“Come on,” she said, “we’ll think of some excuse.”

Mark threw on his own clothes, zipping up his pants just as Leah was opening the door. 

“Coming, Dad!” she called and headed down the stairs.

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