Anal with a view

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It didn’t get any better than this. I leaned over the balcony of our hotel room and took in the view. The sun splashed down onto my face as the ocean crashed in front of me, in huge, surging waves. I was surprised there weren’t more people out on the beach. We had been expecting a huge crowd.

Suddenly, I heard the balcony door open and out came my boyfriend, Tucker, with just a towel around his waist. He had just taken a shower, his shaggy hair still wet. 

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“I’m so glad that we sprung for the ocean view room,” he said, taking in the view with me. “Look at that.” He smiled. “So, are we going to spend the first day of vacation on the beach?”

He got behind me and wrapped me up in a hug with his big, muscular arms. 

I moaned contentedly. “Mmm, yes. I think that’s the plan, but first. . . I had other ideas.”

I spun around and pulled his face down so that his lips pressed against mine.

“Wait, let me look at you,” said Tucker, suddenly realizing what bikini I was wearing. “Is this new? Holy shit.”

I bit my lip and nodded excitedly. “Yes! What do you think?” 

“Damn, baby, I don’t know if they’ll let you on the public beach in that, but I love it.” I could see how sexy he thought it was.

It was a bright green two piece that looked extra intense on my tan skin. The top was extremely skimpy, barely covering my entire breasts, while the back was a thong cut. I turned around slowly, letting Tucker get a view of the whole ensemble.

I reached for his towel just then, letting it drop to the ground. With my eyes looking upwards at him, I got to my knees, resting them on the towel, and began sucking his cock. A salty, warm breeze blew across us as I took him into my mouth, letting my tongue work its way around his shaft. Tucker moaned quietly, letting his head fall back as his hands ran through my curly brown hair. 

“Fuck, Lexi,” he said, “that feels amazing.”

He began to gently move my head back and forth as I sucked his cock, helping me along. The sun beat down on us. 

“Come here,” Tucker said finally, pulling me up to standing. “Turn around.”

My heart was pounding in my chest as he pushed me up against the edge of the balcony. My hands gripped the railing, and I felt him get behind me and pull down my bikini bottom. I let out a gasp as his hands dug into my ass cheeks, squeezing them and spreading them apart. The thing about Tucker was that he was definitely an ass man, which was fine by me.

It was his turn to drop to his knees now, as he began to eat my ass from behind. I closed my eyes, shivering, as his tongue slid between my ass cheeks and began working my asshole. It felt heavenly, like it always did, but was even more so right now, with the sights and sounds of the ocean in front of me. 

“Yes, baby,” I moaned encouragingly, arching my back so that my ass stuck out even more. “Eat my ass.”

Tucker groaned. I moved my fingers onto my clit, touching myself.

“Are you ready for this cock, baby?” Tucker said, after a few more long, delicious minutes.

“Yes please.” I turned around to look at him. I’m sure my eyes were pleading. We hadn’t had a chance to fuck the night before when we arrived because we had got in too late, but now it was time to really get this vacation started.

Tucker pressed the thick head of his cock against my wet asshole and began to push it inside slowly. It felt so good, so big, stretching out my ass as he started to gently fuck me in slow strokes that got deeper with each one. 

“Holy shit, I missed that ass,” Tucker groaned into my ear.

I giggled. “It’s only been – ah, fuck! – four days.”

“Still. . .” his voice tapered off into a sharp inhale.

He picked up the pace now as his hands held onto my waist, his cock pounding into my ass harder and faster now. I put two fingers back on my clit and began to rub them up and down, making myself closer and closer to cumming. My whole body began to tremble as Tucker’s cock dove into my asshole to the base, over and over and over and –

“Fuuuuuuck!” I cried out, my jaw hanging open as an orgasm surged through me. My knees felt weak. “Oh fuck!” I tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was hard. Tucker never once stopped fucking me as I came, which only prolonged my orgasm in the best way.

“God, I love hearing those noises,” Tucker sighed. “You ready for my cum, baby?”

“Yes please,” I whimpered, barely able to speak. 

Within seconds, Tucker’s cock was filling my asshole with cum, deep and hard. He held me by the waist, keeping me still, as he came, while I grinned stupidly, looking out at the crashing ocean waves. This was perfection.

When he pulled out from my ass, he spun me around and smiled down at me.

“Is this how you wanted to start vacation?”

I nodded, biting my lip. “Uh-huh.”

I tossed on my bikini bottoms, and we headed back into the hotel room, the wave of AC a welcome relief on our warm bodies. 

“Come on,” I said, “let’s head down there.”

Tucker wiped his brow, where a layer of sweat had formed. “I’m jumping into that ocean first thing.”

The next morning, I woke up to find that Tucker wasn’t in the bed next to me. I groaned, stretching out my arms and legs, before looking at my phone and realizing how early it was.

“What the –” I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

Then I saw him, standing out on the balcony, watching the sun rise. My heart melted. He looked so good, standing out there in just his underwear, watching the sky in all its pinks and purples. 

“Hi,” I said, opening the sliding door to join him. I was just in a bralette and a matching red thong. “Wow.”

I stood next to him, and he pulled me in against him. His arm wrapped around my waist, and his hand reached down to rub my ass. 

“I know,” he said, “it’s beautiful.”

I turned to him and kissed him, pressing my lips against his as his hands roamed across my ass. His grasp was hard and firm, and it made my pussy throb. There was something about a week off work, a week at the beach, that made me hornier than normal.

Tucker ate my pussy while I stood against the railings, looking down to watch him glide his tongue across my clit. The sun was rising slowly but surely behind us. The beach was quiet except for the repetitive crashing of the waves. 

“Mmm,” I moaned, “yes, baby, that feels amazing.”

His mouth was pressed firmly against my pussy, almost sucking me into him, as his tongue continued to work my clit. I gripped the railing with one hand and Tucker’s head with the other as I came, slowly at first, like the orgasm was radiating throughout me.

Tucker stood up, spun me around, and I had barely finished cumming before his cock was sliding into my tight asshole once more. It was slower this time, with longer strokes from his cock, as we stared out at the beautiful sky together. Tucker leaned in close to me as he fucked my ass, making his cock go even deeper than it already had.

My hands were holding onto the railing so tightly that my knuckles were white. I could feel his hot breath on the side of my neck, making me shiver.

“Do you want another load of cum up that ass, Lexi?” he whispered, in a voice that sounded more like a growl. 

I sighed happily. “Give it to me, baby,” I replied. “I want it.”

A few more long, slow pumps of his cock and my ass was receiving its second load of cum this trip. Tucker stayed in me for several moments after finishing, which I loved. There was just something about feeling his cock stay still inside my ass, filling me up without moving that felt amazing.

When he finally pulled out, there were people walking the beach. The sky was more blue than pink now, with hazy clouds drifting lazily by.

“It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day,” I said slowly, “but. . . I kind of wish we could just stay in bed.” My eyes looked up at Tucker’s.

He smirked at me. “Babe, it’s vacation. We can do whatever the hell we want.”

I let out an excited squeal, grabbed his hand, and led him back inside to our luxuriously big hotel bed. 

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